The Bachelorette Season 19 aired the first installment of its two-part live finale event on Monday, September 12, 2022, at 8.00 pm ET on ABC. The two-hour time frame was full of drama as suitors questioned their relationships with leads Gabby Windey and Rachel Recchia and indulged in arguments.
On this week's episode of The Bachelorette, things turned south after Aven met Rachel and her family. While he confessed that he was ready for an engagement during their fantasy suite date, he explained to Rachel's friends that he was sure of getting together with her but wanted to spend enough time before an engagement.
However, when her friends conveyed the same to Rachel, she was shocked at the turn of events that led to an argument with Aven. Later on in the episode, the former realized that she couldn't move forward as the suitor wasn't ready to get engaged. Despite Aven trying to convince her that his heart was with her, Rachel broke up with him.
Fans were upset with Rachel and felt she just wanted to be engaged no matter what, which led to the breakup. One tweeted:
Season 19 of the reality dating competition has been extremely popular amongst viewers. While some fans loved watching the two bachelorettes on screen, others criticized the format of having two women and a large cast of suitors. Viewers will have to tune in to find out how the season ends for Gabby and Rachel.
The Bachelorette suitor Aven and Rachel breakup
On tonight's episode of The Bachelorette, it was time for the suitors to meet the leads' families. While it began on a romantic note, things soon turned awry. While sitting with Rachel's best friends, Aven confessed that he was sure of leaving the show with Rachel and saw a future and a life with her. However, he was skeptical of going into an engagement in the next few days.
When the same was conveyed to Rachel, the star was shocked at Aven's confession. This led to a major argument between the duo as Rachel confronted him about the same.
Later in The Bachelorette episode, Rachel talked things out with Aven on their final date. While Aven tried his best to convince Rachel that he saw a future with her and wanted to make things work outside of the show, Rachel wanted an engagement by the end.
The Bachelorette fans, however, felt that Rachel being so bent on an engagement led to her breakup with Aven. They also blamed her for not understanding where he was coming from. Check out what they have to say.
The first installment of the finale has been theatrical, and it only gets more interesting next week. As the ladies tie up their journeys on the series, the final episode will reveal all the secrets and more about what transpired after the show and if Gabby and Rachel are still together with their chosen partners.
Tune in to an all-new episode of The Bachelorette next week on Monday, September 19, 2022, at 8.00 pm ET on ABC.