On October 28, 2022, The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself premiered its eight-episode first season on Netflix. Based on Sally Green's book, Half Bad, the noticeably under-marketed show turned out to be one of the most intriguing young-adult novel adaptations. The series delved deep into the intricacies of the plot and displayed sufficient depth and profundity while skillfully washing away any signs of forced seriousness.
Created by Joe Barton, The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself kept its plotlines tightly structured while exploring the world through the titular Bastard Son Nathan's (played by Jay Lycurgo) vision. The conclusion was somewhat predictable, but not to the point where it would have given away anything to someone watching it for the first time.
The finale saw the dreaded Marcus Edge (David Gyasi) for the first time, and also a deadly battle that fulfilled the prophecy in quite an unexpected way. The prophecy claimed that the wolf would be killed by his own blood. Though the series referred to Marcus as the "wolf," it is quite debatable after the finale. Read on to find out all that happened in the finale of The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself.
The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself ending: What happened to Marcus Edge?
Marcus Edge was always mentioned as one of the darkest and most dangerous wizards to have ever lived. The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself almost had viewers convinced that Marcus Edge and his son, Nathan, would face off in an epic battle in the finale. However, this did not take place. Instead, Soul (Paul Ready) turned out to be the real villain.
After an altercation between Nathan and his sister Jessica (Isobel Jesper Jones), the former managed to escape. Meanwhile, Jessica wanted Soul to kill his daughter Annalise (Nadia Parkes) and eat her heart, which would give Soul her powers. Annalise, however, managed to escape into the woods after coming across her father and Jessica's admission that she wanted Soul to kill his daughter and take her power. Gabriel (Emilien Vekemans) was also stuck in a rut after having his brain wiped.
After Nathan escaped, he ran into his father in the woods. Marcus was revealed in the flesh for the first time in The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself. He had a meaningful conversation with Nathan, telling him how he met his mother and fell in love with her. He also told Nathan that his mother never worried about the boy as she always knew he would make the right choices. Marcus also revealed that he has the ability to see how he will die, but that time is still far away.
Marcus gave Nathan his blood as a birthday gift, which would awaken his magic powers. He also told him his mother's last words about Nathan's path, and just before leaving, Marcus left behind a dagger for Nathan, hinting that one day his son would kill him. It also perhaps indicated that Nathan should go fight Soul. Marcus disappeared into the forest after this, leaving fans to wonder what became of him.
A half-mad Soul encountered Nathan in the forest. Nathan was easily outpowered by the Fairborn witch, but his friends stepped in right then. Annalise intervened and used her powers to dismember her father, thus fulfilling the prophecy in a different way.
The show ended with an indication of a second season as Jessica was shown conspiring against Nathan and Gabriel.
All the episodes of The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself are now streaming on Netflix.