Fantasy drama series, The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself, made its debut on Friday, October 28, 2022, exclusively on Netflix. The eight-part series has been adapted from the highly-cherished trilogy, Half Bad, written by author Sally Green.
Joe Barton is the creator and the main writer for The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself, alongside Ryan J. Brown. The brand new series has been directed by Colm McCarthy, Rachna Suri and Debs Paterson.
Nick Remy Matthews and David Higgs are its cinematographers, while Rosa Walton and Jenny Hollingworth have given music to the series.
As per the official synopsis for The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself, released by Netflix:
"Sixteen-year-old Nathan (Jay Lycurgo) is the illegitimate son of the world’s most dangerous witch. Fearing he will follow in his father's footsteps, Nathan is closely monitored throughout his childhood. As the boundaries between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fray, Nathan - along with mischievous Annalise and charismatic Gabriel - will soon discover who he truly is."
The cast list for the Netflix series includes Jay Lycurgo, Emilien Vekemans, Nadia Parkes, Paul Ready and, Isobel Jesper Jones among others.
Episode 1 of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself ends with Mercury carving a map into Nathan's hand.
A recap/review of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself episode 2
What does the Council of Fairborn Witches do to Nathan?
The second episode of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself picks up right where episode one ends. Nathan's house is surrounded by the force of the council, who takes him with them. After Nathan seriously injured Annalise's brother, it seems like the council might get rid of Nathan.
Instead, they decide to keep him alive as there is a pivotal prophecy about him and his father Marcus Edge. According to the prophecy, Marcus' own blood will kill him, denoting Nathan to be the only witch who can end Marcus' life.
Thus, the council further decide to train Nathan as hard as possible so that he can beat his father in a fight and eventually kill him in the future. They send him away to an unknown forest area, where he starts training under Celia's supervision.
Celia is seen to be quite tough with Nathan and makes him go through a rigorous training session to become the best possible fighter.
What does Soul O'Brien do?
Episode 2 of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself, has a huge twist coming. It shows that one of the council's heads, Soul O'Brien, who is also Annalise's father, is not as he seems. Their is a dark side to him.
In the second episode, the audience sees Reutger dead and her death seems to be caused by none other than Marcus Edge. However, the upcoming series of events is bound to make the audience doubt if that's the case. Later, viewers will see Soul O'Brien taking his own brother's life and collecting his blood.
Soul is seen invested in a book of forbidden magic, which he is using to do something horrible and it looks like he will not stop until he makes it happen at any cost.
Another highlight of episode 2 is that Annalise gets her powers after turning 17. Her powers, which have not yet been revealed, seem quite destructive, as it almost kills another witch.
Don't forget to catch episode 2 of The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself, which is currently streaming on the popular streaming platform Netflix.