The Big D, a previously cancelled show is set to make its return on USA Network. The show, initially dropped by TBS, is set to return to screens as part of USA’s Hump Day programming.
USA Network’s press release reads about the upcoming series:
"Hosted by dating show successfuls JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers, "The Big D" invites divorced couples into a tropical villa where they will pursue a second chance at love by dating the other divorcees in the house. Some of the romance hopefuls are looking to rekindle with their ex while others are eager to find a connection elsewhere."
Tune in on Wednesday, June 14, at 10 pm ET to watch the season premiere of The Big D on USA Network.
The Big D will feature oodles of drama
The Big D will feature divorced couples as they stay in a tropical Costa Rican villa in order to unlearn and relearn a lot about love. They will be on a quest for love as a part of the single divorcees' group.
During the course of the show, the former couples will participate in various challenges in order to form connections, let go of the past, and even make amends which will help them get back in the dating pool. By winning these “ex-ercises” the players will ensure that they’re not the ones going home during each episode’s elimination ceremony. They will also bag a romantic date to help strengthen their bond.
During the ceremony, the singles will discuss and vote out one person who they do not consider worthy of a relationship. The Big D's press release states that jealous exes might try to send their rival home or even defend their ex’s honor.
It continues:
"Everyone is rooting for love to prevail, but the complicated dynamics of divorce may get in the way of a second chance at love.”
The contestants set to appear in The Big D includes:
- Ariel Lyndsey (Los Angeles, California) and Blair Delgado (Clearwater, Florida)
- Casey Costa and Brooks Peters (Lake Tahoe, California)
- Alexis Nicole (Atlanta, Georgia) and Devon Wright (Charleston, South Carolina)
- Dede Lewis and Thakur Wint (Boca Raton, Florida)
- Ally Lee and David Mims (Dallas, Texas)
- Gillian Messina (Washington, North Carolina) and David Novello (San Diego, California)
The Bachelorette couple JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers to host The Big D
The show will be hosted by JoJo Fletcher and Jordan Rodgers, who met on The Bachelorette in 2016. The two got engaged while on the show but kept their engagement a secret for almost three months until the season finale aired on August 1, 2016.
After making their first public appearance as a couple during the After the Final Rose segment, they moved in together in Dallas, Texas. At the time, they hadn’t even been together for a year and in 2018, the reality star and the former NFL player launched their YouTube series, Engaged with JoJo and Jordan together.
The franchise couple was initially supposed to get married in June 13, 2020 after being engaged for over four years but had to postpone the celebrations due to Covid-19. They finally tied the knot on May 14, 2022, in Sunstone Winery, in Santa Ynez, California.
Tune in on Wednesday, June 14, at 10 pm ET to watch the season premiere of The Big D on USA Network.