The Blacklist's Dr. Laken Perillos, played by Laverne Cox, made a comeback on the show's latest episode, which aired on April 2, 2023. The episode, titled Dr. Laken Perillos: Conclusion, was dedicated to Dr. Laken Perillos, one of the cult heroes, according to fans of the show.
She first appeared as a cut-throat interrogator who used torture and unorthodox ways to deal with her victims in season 8. The Blacklist is currently in its tenth and final season. Bringing back a couple of fan-favorite characters is truly a stroke of genius, and giving these characters closure before the show ends is just another cherry on top.
All about Laverne Cox as she returns in The Blacklist season 10
Born on May 29, 1972, in Mobile, Alabama, Laverne Cox graduated from the Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham, Alabama, where she studied creative writing before switching to dance.
She rose to prominence for portraying Sophia Burset on the Netflix series Orange Is the New Black, becoming the first transgender person to be nominated for a Primetime Emmy Award in an acting category.
She was even the first transgender person to be nominated for an Emmy Award since composer Angela Morley in 1990. Her show, Laverne Cox Presents: The T Word, earned her a Daytime Emmy Award in 2015.
She appeared on the first season of VH1's reality show I Want to Work for Diddy and co-produced and co-hosted the VH1 makeover television series TRANSform Me. She appeared on the March 12, 2021, episode of The Blacklist, titled Dr. Laken Perillos, and became an instant hit.
Who is Dr. Laken Perillos on The Blacklist?
Laverne Cox played a notorious blacklister named Dr. Laken Perillos. On the show, when Perillos' mother was hospitalized when she was just a teenager. Her mother was bedridden and suffering from extreme pain. This incident led young Perillos to believe that darker-skinned people are less susceptible to pain than others.
Due to her obsession with causing and studying pain, Laken became infamous for how unorthodox and extreme her methods for obtaining information were. She ended up being arrested by the FBI for her crimes.
Her brutality can be judged based on a brief conversation with Raymond Reddington’s longtime nemesis, Wujing.
Wijung tells her,
"Before I was incarcerated, I studied you and your techniques. I was an admirer.”
Perillos replied,
"Oh goody. A fan. Now are you going to tell me why you brought me here or not?"
Wijung then revealed,
"Before my escape from prison, I was briefly held with a man named Marvin Gerard. Raymond Reddington’s lawyer. According to Gerard, Raymond Reddington has spent the past decade working in partnership with the FBI. Now before his death, Mr. Gerard provided me with a list of individuals imprisoned as a result of Reddington’s unholy union with the bureau. I was the first. Would you like to know your number?"
We can conclude that Wijung brought Perillos back to take down Raymond Reddington. Several blacklisters were met with unpleasant endings because of Red's actions and are now hell-bent on getting rid of him. The Blacklist is certainly leaving the stage in style.
Watch the final season of The Blacklist on Sundays at 10/9c on NBC. It will later stream on Peacock.