The Chi, the popular drama series, arrived with the first episode of its much-awaited season 6 on Friday, August 4, 2023, on Paramount Plus with Showtime. Since the season's debut, followers of The Chi have been eager to learn how the premiere has turned out. This is because the previous season ended on an enthralling note, with Darnell and Jada getting married and Victor declaring his love for Fatima in front of everyone.
Titled New Chi City, episode 1 of The Chi season 6 sees a series of striking incidents as Emmett gets more involved with Otis. On the other hand, Keisha and Emmett's family life seems a bit shaky as the two continuously get into conflicts. Without further ado, let's dive right in and find out what happened in the premiere episode of The Chi season 6 in detail.
The Chi season 6 episode 1 recap: Emmett becomes aware of how dangerous his current association is with Otis
How is everything between Emmett and Keisha?
From the beginning of the first episode of the show's season 6, the audience can see that things are not smooth in the house of Keisha and Emmett. The two seem to have different ideologies and different interests.
While Keisha is more interested in taking care of the children and her career as a teacher, Emmett has become much more materialistic ever since he developed an association with Otis. The two constantly bicker about things when together, leading to one of them leaving the house after an argument.
In the episode, Keisha finally secures the position of a teacher at a school, the job she desperately wanted after the observation round at the school goes well for her.
After returning home, she is seen celebrating her new job with Emmett. However, the celebration is quite short-lived as she again gets furious at him for buying Tiffany a car, as suggested by Otis. Emmett then leaves their place without informing Keisha where he is going. Thus, it's safe to say that everything between Emmett and Keisha is a bit rough.
What happens at the bar?
After leaving their apartment, Emmett ends up hanging out at a bar with Otis and his association. At the bar, Otis is seen putting pressure on Emmett to have a word with his realtor to buy a house for Keisha. However, he does not want to do that without talking to Keisha first. But Otis does not stop there and keeps scolding Emmett for not listening to him.
After that, Otis suddenly gets up and shoots a man sitting across them to death in a way that seems like not a big deal. He does this because the man has been bothering him that evening. This happens right in front of Emmett, who is shell-shocked from the incident. Soon, he realizes he is in grave danger of his association with Otis, and now, there's no going back.
Some other highlights of the first episode are Kevin sharing a kiss with Maisha, Otis striking a brand new deal with Rob, and Fatima getting romantically involved with Marcus.
Don't forget to watch The Chi season 6, episode 1, currently streaming on Paramount Plus with Showtime. The episode will also debut on the Showtime Network this Sunday, August 6, 2023.