The much-awaited fantasy series The Chosen One is all set for its arrival on the streaming platform Netflix on August 16, 2023. The series entails the story of Jodie, a twelve-year-old boy who discovers that he has supernatural powers, and struggles as he comes to terms with his destiny.
The official synopsis of The Chosen One, as per Netflix, reads:
"Jodie, a twelve-year-old boy in Baja California, suddenly discovers he has Jesus-like powers: he can turn water into wine, make the crippled walk, and, perhaps, even raise the dead! "
It continues:
"As the Evangelical and the Yaquí leaders in town try to get him to use his powers to save mankind, all Jodie wants to do is impress the girl he likes and stand up to his bullies. As Jodie struggles and eventually comes to terms with his destiny, everything gets thrown for a loop when he discovers the truth around his identity.”
However, the series' high expectations are not only a result of its unique and refreshing storyline but also the fact that it is an adaptation of Mark Millar’s American Jesus comic book, beginning with the first of three volumes, titled Chosen.
The Chosen One's author Max Miller comments on the upcoming Netflix adaptation
While Netflix has not released an official trailer for the show, the streaming platform did release an inside look. The video starts with a brief introduction of the cast and crew of the show. The inside look also acquaints us with the man that had created this storyline in the first place aka Max Miller.
The comic book author explains to the viewers about the show's storyline as:
"The story of American Jesus is very simple. It's as if you were a twelve-year-old boy who found that you were the returned Jesus. It's about a mother who runs away with her son because he's in tremendous danger. And this kid, Jodie, finds out he's in the Book of Revelation. It's pretty apocalyptic."
He further comments on how The Chosen One's storyline has come to life through Netflix:
"They found the most spectacular place in Mexico. I mean, it looks like a movie set. It looks like it's been made out of CGI, but it's real and it's beautiful. The visuals of the series are very interesting because normally what makes a comic book adaptation work is CGI cities. This is very real."
He continues:
"What they've done is, they flipped it the other way and just make the environment look supernatural. I think fans should be excited about the fact that I'm excited, and I'm the harshest judge of the adaptation. It looks, unlike any comic book adaptation I've ever seen. "
With such strong words by the author himself, The Chosen One promises to be an exciting and thoroughly entertaining adventure for the viewers. In addition to an inside look, Netflix also released an official poster for the series on Twitter on May 18, 2023, which has managed to build anticipation for the show even more.
More about The Chosen One's cast
The confirmed cast for the show, so far, includes the incredibly talented Tenoch Huerta and Dianna Argon. While no details pertaining to their characters have been revealed, fans are already expecting the stars to deliver stunning performances based on their performances in previous roles.
Tenoch Huerta has previously starred in many critically acclaimed projects including the Black Panther franchise, Narcos: Mexico, and The Forever Purge, among many others. While Dianna Argon has also been a part of several projects, including the popular television show Glee, Clock, Shiva Baby, and Burlesque, among many others.
The Chosen One premieres on August 16, 2023, exclusively on Netflix.