Matt Williams-created The Conners is a popular American sitcom currently airing on ABC. Serving as the continuation of the sitcom Roseanne, the series has been a strong and consistent performer for the television network.
On December 31, 2023, the ABC network released the trailer for season 6. From the return of Sean Austin, to a few insights into the storyline, the promo for the upcoming season prepares viewers for what to expect from the show.
According to IMDB, the synopsis for The Conners reads:
“Follow-up to the comedy series Roseanne (1988), centering on the family members of the matriarch after her sudden death.”
With a talented ensemble from John Goodman to Jay R. Ferguson, the latest trailer talks more about the characters and their fates in season 6. Delving deeper into the promo, here are the things we need to know prior to the release of the upcoming season.
The Conners season 6 trailer explored
The brand-new promo for The Conners season 6 marks the return of Sean Austin to the popular sitcom. Austin appeared on the most-watched show for the first time in season 5. However, the actor only made a guest appearance as a character named Tyler, who is a FedEx pilot.
In April 2023, he was introduced initially to the audience, and in the show, he played the role of a love interest for Becky Conner, played by Lecy Goranson. Tyler was introduced in the storyline after the death of Becky’s husband, Mark.
Since season 5, the character has been established as a love interest for Becky. Fans were anticipating Austin’s return as season 5 concluded, and given the latest promo, he is back as Tyler.
Talking about Sean Austin’s return to The Conners, executive producer Bruce Helford told media portal TVLine:
“Whenever we bring in a new love interest, we’ve got to watch the chemistry, because we never know [if it will work]. But we love Sean, and they were great together, so we definitely want to bring them back together and see what we can find there.”
Revealing more about Tyler’s fate in the upcoming season, the trailer shows Dan Conner, played by John Goodman, referring to him as a “new boyfriend” of Becky while playing the game of poker.
Tyler responds to Dan by saying:
“I’m gonna take all your money, and your daughter.”
Besides Tyler, the trailer also shows Dan talking to Darlene Conner, played by Sara Gilbert. While standing in the living room, Darlene says, “I’m scared, Daddy”. While offering a few details about the characters, the short promo ends.
Ensemble cast
In addition to Sean Austin, season 6 of The Conners will star John Goodman as Dan Conner, Laurie Metcalf as Jackie Harris, Lecy Goranson as Becky Conner-Healy, Sara Gilbert as Darlene Conner, Emma Kenney as Harris Conner-Healy, Jay R. Ferguson as Ben Olinsky, and Ames McNamara as Mark Conner-Healy.
The upcoming season will also feature a recurring guest star, Katey Sagal, as Louise Goldufski.
The episodes for season 6 will air on Feb. 7, 2024, on ABC. The show will be available on the television network ABC, and for streaming, it will be available on Hulu. The CW will also air reruns of the sitcom from season 1 in January 2024