The Cuphead Show! is a fascinating American-Canadian animated series that premiered worldwide on February 18, 2022, exclusively on Netflix. Season 1 of the show was developed by Dave Wasson. It was gleaned from a 2017 video game called Cuphead, created by the brother duo Chad Moldenhauer and Jared Moldenhauer. The video game was developed by their own independent studio, Studio MDHR.
The brothers have also served as the executive producers of the show along with King Features Syndicate's CJ Kettler. The Netflix animated series chronicles the numerous misadventures of the two brothers, a highly instinctive Cuphead and an extremely cautious Mugman.
The Cuphead Show!: Review
Without further delay, let's take a closer look at how the adventurous ride unfolds.
Captivating animation accesorized with surreal humor
Tailoring Cuphead, a highly acclaimed video game, is emboldened by the 1930s Rubber Hose animation, which includes the works of Silly Symphonies and the Fleischer brothers, The Cuphead Show! takes place on enchanting Inkwell Island and revolves around two brothers, Cuphead, voiced by Tru Valentino, and Mugman, voiced by Frank T. Todaro, and their thrilling adventures.
The Cuphead Show! can be considered a bit of an aberration in the present day's animation genre. All twelve episodes are standalone, crisp and focused on the fiesty misadventures of Cuphead and his brother Mugman. The only exception is the two-part episode, following an overarching storyline from season 1, where Cuphead accidentally ends up owing his soul to none other than the Devil himself.
Although The Cuphead Show! has the feel of a cartoon belonging to the depression-era, rest assured that it is full of alluringly colorful, fast-changing animation, and absurdly subtle humor.
While there are essentially several era-appropriate nightmarish imagery, the comic-timing of the animated show is significantly modern. Over-the-top facial expressions, surreal characters, and slapstick comedy make the series more of an Animaniac-like cartoon, where one foot is in the present time and one foot is firmly rooted in the past.
Memorable characters voiced by promising voice artists
While one may come to binge The Cuphead Show! for the incredible animation, it is the memorable characters that make the Netflix animated series worth binging, with an ensemble of likable, relatable, and outright despicable cartoon characters, making the Inkwell Islands worth exploring.
The brotherly bond between Cuphead and Mugman is a treat to witness, as they always have each other's backs even though they fight all the time.
The portrayal of the character Elder Kettle, who is a father figure to the brothers, also gives the show quite a humble and homely feeling, which the present day animation scene evidently lacks.
The audience also gets to witness the viciously humorous Devil and the ultimate charmer Ms. Chalice, a character who is already turning eyes as a perfect foil for the two brothers.
The promising ensemble voice cast of the animated series is one of the most impressive features of the show. Tru Valentino as Cuphead and Frank Todaro as Mugman are absolutely phenomenal.
Considering that realistic voice-acting in the animated genre is in vogue, it is quite refreshing to see the absolute opposite: cartoon characters that are blessed to be cartoons. Luke Millington-Drake as the Devil does phenomenal voice work, giving the right edge to the show. Joe Hanna as Elder Kettle is adoring and perfect for a father-like figure portrayal. Finally, Grey Griffin as Ms. Chalice brings the right amount of charm to the show.
Other talented voice artists in the series include Clancy Brown as Porkrind, Jim Conroy as Ollie Bulb, Biff and Duke, and Wayne Brady as King Dice, who is the villainous right-hand man to the Devil.
Don't forget to watch The Cuphead Show!, streaming on Netflix from February 18, 2022.