NBC's latest crime thriller, The Endgame, is ready for a Monday release on February 21, 2022. The show has an interesting premise revolving around international arms dealer and criminal mastermind Elena Federova (Morena Baccarin). She is challenged by FBI agent Val Turner (Ryan Michelle Bathe), who will try to stop Elena at all costs.
The show seems like it has a lot to offer in terms of a new kind of storyline and treatment. The primary plot focuses on the mysterious bank heists that Elena orchestrates (at least at the beginning of the series). Elena's character is described as "always one step ahead." This could indeed make for an interesting narrative.
Read on for details about the upcoming show's pilot episode.
Elena and Val will engage in a battle of wits right from the off
The Endgame's trailer emphasizes highly on how powerful Elena is. The trailer also gives a glimpse of the bank heists that are apparently a big part of the pilot. Going by the teaser, Elena and Val will engage in a battle of wits from the very first episode of The Endgame.
NBC has released a plot synopsis for the upcoming episode of the show, which reads:
"Recently captured international arms dealer Elena Fedorova orchestrates multiple bank heists throughout New York for a mysterious purpose, but she may have met her match with principled FBI agent Val Turner, who will stop at nothing to foil her plan."
The first episode's synopsis is rather vague, hinting at an overall plot more than one particular episode. The two women on opposite ends of the law will fight an interesting battle that is sure to be filled with multiple twists and turns.
This could be NBC's long-term replacement for The Blacklist, which is nine seasons old now. It is still too early to comment on the show's exact nature, but even if it is as good as the existing NBC crime shows, fans are in for a thrilling ride.
The Endgame pilot episode drops this Monday
The show will air its first episode, titled "Pilot," on February 21, 2022. It will be followed by the second episode, a week later, on February 28, 2022. This is an NBC original and will air on the NBC channel at 10 PM ET. It will also be available for streaming on NBC's official streaming platform. Stay tuned for more updates.