UP TV's new romantic drama, The Engagement Plot, is set to air on the network on Sunday, August 21, 2022. The film tells the story of a young woman who suffers heartbreak on a popular dating reality show and sets off to her hometown in order to return to her life. The official synopsis of the film, according to UP TV, reads:
''After getting her heart broken on The Price of Love, a wildly popular dating reality show that matches 20-something female contestants with a young, financially successful bachelor, teacher Hanna Knight has returned to her small-town Colorado life and moved on to better things.''
The movie features Rachel Boston and Trevor Donovan in major roles, along with various others in supporting roles. Without further ado, keep reading to find out more details about the cast of the film.
UP TV's The Engagement Plot: Rachel Boston and others in pivotal roles
1) Rachel Boston as Hanna Knight
Rachel Boston appears in the lead role as Hanna Knight, who has her heart broken on a popular dating reality show following which, she decides to return to her hometown. She looks quite impressive in the trailer, portraying the role in her own uniquely charming way.
Boston has appeared in a number of TV shows and indie films, including It's a Disaster, NBC's American Dreams, Dating the Delaneys, and many more.
2) Trevor Donovan as Will Preston
Trevor Donovan essays the character of Will Preston in The Engagement Plot. Donovan plays Boston's love interest in the film, and the pair's chemistry is one of the highlights of the film. In the movie preview, Donovan looks charming in his role as Will Preston, and viewers can expect a memorable performance from this highly talented actor.
Donovan is widely known for his performances in 90210, Texas Rising, and Sun Records, to name a few.
3) Audrey Walters as Janice Chambers
Actress Audrey Walters plays the role of Janice Chambers. Not many details about her character are known at this point. Better Call Saul fans might recognize her as Jodi Nichols. Her other notable TV credits include Killer Woman, Euphoria, and Preacher.
4) Jacklyn Collier as Carly Zides
Actress Jacklyn Collier stars as Carly Zides in The Engagement Plot. Details about her character are being kept under wraps, but based on one of the film's clips, Collier looks hilarious and impressive in her role as Carly Zides. Collier is best known for her work on Girlcrush, This is My Roommate, and The Deuce.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film also features a number of others in crucial supporting roles, including:
- Tedd Taskey as Harrison Preston
- Amie MacKenzie as Lilith Preston
- Bill LeVasseur as Harold Chambers
- Walter Anaruk as Leo Padilla
- Steven Dudley as Doug Perry
The Engagement Plot is helmed by Brandon Clark and is based on a script penned by Taylor Bird. Based on the film's preview, viewers can expect a lighthearted romcom replete with likable and interesting characters.
Don't forget to watch The Engagement Plot on UP TV on Sunday, August 21, 2022.