The second episode of The Essex Serpent, which was released along with the season premiere on May 13, 2022, focuses on the aftermath of Gracie's mysterious death. A fiercely determined Cora decides to return to Aldwinter to investigate the cause of Grace's death.
Titled Matters of the Heart, the second episode maintains the pace and tone beautifully set up by the season premiere. With another mysterious ending, the series is getting more intense and complicated.
The Essex Serpent Episode 2: Fear, romance and more
Cora wakes up from a nightmare of her drowning and is comforted by Martha. The next morning, she decides to return to Aldwinter despite Martha expressing her concerns. Elsewhere, Luke returns to London and successfully performs a heart surgery.
The relationship between Cora and Will becomes more intimate as Cora begins to open up about her abusive marriage. The two almost have a moment before they witness a bizarre sight of a boat sailing in the sky.
Will later tells Cora that Naomi, Gracie's sister, told him that she saw the serpent in the water. As panic spreads across the village, Cora offers to talk to the children and educate them about serpents and the evolution of different types of creatures.
Meanwhile, Naomi is terrified when a seagull breaks into her house at night and takes it as a sign that the serpent is now coming after her. At school, the children ask Cora if the serpent is real, but she says she doesn't know. Tension escalates when children suddenly start accusing Naomi of attracting the creature and Naomi begins to have some sort of an epileptic fit. The other kids also begin to shake uncontrollably, almost as if they're possessed, while a shell-shocked Cora just watches in utter disbelief.
The Essex Serpent continues its impressive run
The second episode maintains the rhythm and tone of its predecessor. There's a lot more focus on character development and despite minor hiccups, the show still maintains the same level of tension, thanks to Clio Barnard's focused direction. With more character arcs and plot-twists, the show gets intense with every episode.
Like Blackwater, Matters of the Heart too has a devastating ending that makes the anticipation for the third episode all the more exciting. The third episode is expected to explore the mystery behind Naomi's bizarre epileptic fit as Cora continues her search for the ever-elusive answer.
On the acting front, both Claire Danes and Tom Hiddleston are extremely impressive. Danes, in particular, has been outstanding as a woman who grapples with her abusive past as she sets out on a journey of self-discovery — deep into the bizarrely fascinating world of science, religion and mythical creatures.
Don't forget to watch The Essex Serpent on Apple TV+.