The Fall of the House of Usher is an American TV show set to be released on Netflix on October 12, 2023. Created by Mike Flanagan, this horror series consists of eight episodes and is produced by Mike Flanagan's and Trevor Macy's Intrepid Pictures. The main cast includes Carla Gugino, Kate Siegel, and Zach Gilford.
The Fall of the House of Usher is based on Edgar Allan Poe's 1839 short story of the same name. The story follows Roderick Usher, the CEO of a corrupt pharmaceutical company, who starts to lose all of his children one by one when he confronts his dark past. The official synopsis of The Fall of the House of Usher, as stated by Netflix, reads:
"To secure their fortune and future, two ruthless siblings build a family dynasty that begins to crumble when their heirs mysteriously die one by one."
The Fall of the House of Usher: Everything You Need to Know Before Its Release
The Fall of the House of Usher is based on the 1839 short story of the same name by Edgar Allan Poe, a gem of Gothic literature. This short story was among his finest works in the horror genre, depicting madness, decay, and an eerie atmosphere that has been key to its success. The book received positive reviews upon its release and continues to earn high ratings from book reviewers.
- Goodreads rating: 3.9/5
- Quizlet rating: 3.8/5
- Amazon rating: 4.3/5
In the story, an unnamed narrator visits his friend Roderick Usher's nearly destroyed mansion, setting the stage for unfolding horrors and an unexpected ending. Roderick Usher and his twin sister, Madeline, are central characters, leaving readers both disturbed and fascinated by the enigmatic narrative.
The trailer for the upcoming series mirrors the story's narration. It portrays Roderick Usher and his family haunted by an unknown woman, resulting in the death of Roderick's children one by one. The trailer ends with the line "The House of Usher may rest in peace," hinting at the unknown woman's sinister intentions and the exploration of the dark secrets within the Usher family.
Cast and Crew of The Fall of the House of Usher
The Fall of the House of Usher boasts a stellar main cast, including Mary McDonnell, Willa Fitzgerald, Carl Lumbly, Mark Hamill, Henry Thomas, Crystal Balint, Kyliegh Curran, Samantha Sloyan, Matt Biedel, Kate Siegel, Rahul Kohli, Daniel Jun, T’Nia Miller, Paola Núñez, Sauriyan Sapkota, and Ruth Codd.
Carla Gugino, who plays the character of Verna, described the series as exceptional in its genre, blending dark humor with deep emotional themes and a supernatural element to Netflix Tudum :
“Unfortunately, most people are made of who they are from the start, and so they rarely change their minds. But I think that the cool thing about Verna is that she always has some kind of –– if not faith, fascination –– in human beings, She is always waiting for the occasional one that will actually make a different decision.”
The series was produced by executive producers Mike Flanagan, Trevor Macy, Emmy Grinwis, Michael Fimognari, and Melinda Nishioka. Filming took place across various locations, including Vancouver, British Columbia, The Bridge Studios, and Burnaby, British Columbia. Michael Fimognari served as the cinematographer, and Brett Bachman edited the series.
All eight episodes of The Fall of the House of Usher will be released on the same day, perfectly timed for Halloween 2023.