The second season of The Freak Brothers is all set to air on Tubi on Sunday, June 25, 2023. The animated series centers around three brothers and their cat who wake up from a slumber after five decades and has to adapt to a completely different society and time.
The first season premiered in 2021 and received mostly mixed-to-positive reviews from viewers and critics, who praised the voice acting and writing, among other things. It stars Pete Davidson in the lead role, along with various others portraying key supporting characters.
Tubi's The Freak Brothers season 2 trailer continues to focus on the freaks' hilarious misadventures
Tubi released the official promo for The Freak Brothers season 2 on May 23, 2023, and it offers a glimpse of the various fascinating and hilarious events set to unfold in the new show. Although the promo does not reveal any major spoilers from the show that could potentially ruin the viewing experience for fans, it perfectly sets the tone for the new installment.
Overall, it maintains a wildly funny tone that fans of adult animated sitcoms would certainly enjoy. Along with the trailer, Tubi has also put out the official description of the second season on their YouTube channel, which reads:
''THE FREAK BROTHERS chronicles the escapades of a trio of stoner anti-establishment characters and their smartass cat who wake up from a 50-year nap after smoking a magical strain of weed in 1969, and must adjust to life with a new family in present-day San Francisco.''
The synopsis further states:
''In the second season, the Freaks and Kitty’s Mary Jane-fueled misadventures will take them from their high school reunion to matching wits with Mark Zuckerberg, settling old scores with Mitch McConnell, and battling Seth Rogen in a Pot Brownie Bake-Off contest.''
Based on the trailer and description, viewers can expect another memorable season with many hilarious and dramatic moments that make for an entertaining experience.
A quick look at The Freak Brothers plot and cast
The Freak Brothers focuses on the titular characters and their cat, who all wake up from an epic 50-year slumber. They then struggle to deal with an entirely different society and culture. It depicts the numerous misadventures that they indulge in. Here's a short description of the comedy series:
''After smoking a magical strain of marijuana and falling asleep for 50 years, this adult animated series follows the three Freak Brothers and their sardonic cat as they adjust to life in 2020.''
The voice cast featues Pete Davidson in the lead role as Phineas T. Phreakears, one of the three main characters. Phineas, along with his brothers, ends up sleeping for 50 years after smoking marijuana and then wake up to find the whole world changed. Pete Davidson's performance has been one of the show's major strongpoints. He's now expected to deliver another memorable performance in the new season. His other notable acting credits include Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Wild 'n Out, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, and many more.
The rest of the cast includes actors like Woody Harrelson as Freewheelin' Franklin Freek, Tiffany Haddish as Kitty, John Goodman as Fat Freddy Freekowtski, and many others.
Don't forget to catch The Freak Brothers on Tubi on Sunday, June 25, 2023.