The Full Monty is a brand new comedy sequel series to the hit 1997 film of the same name. It made its arrival on Hulu with all eight episodes on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Alice Nutter and Simon Beaufoy acted as writers for the new series, while Catherine Morshead and Andrew Chaplin served as the director.
The official description for The Full Monty, released by FX Networks, is as follows:
"The Full Monty gang is back after 25 years, swapping their stage costumes for dognapping, racing pigeons and one very unconventional hostage situation. Gaz might be older but he’s no wiser, and best mate Dave refuses to get sucked into any more of his antics. But when tragedy strikes, the whole Monty gang must pull together for a common purpose: to honor an old friend."
Since the series was launched on Hulu, the audience has been quite eager to learn how it has turned out. The story picked up 25 years after the events of the original movie and revisited the original gang still residing in Sheffield. Despite having weak writing, the series was still quite charming to watch.
A review of The Full Monty on Hulu: A dull comeback saved by heartfelt charm
Poor writing made the storyline quite monotonous
The sequel series, The Full Monty, depicts the lives of the original gang more than two decades after the events in the 1997 movie of the same name. All the lead characters of the story have aged out of their exotic dancing phase. Horse now relies on a scooter to roam around Sheffield.
However, the members have held onto their hustle-centric minds and eyes for temporary schemes due to poor social safety and an immense lack of proper and steady work. In the series, Gaz is seen recruiting a graffiti artist named Ant, who has mental health issues. Lomper is seen drowning in debt after he tries to pursue his pipe dream of a Dutch racing pigeon.
The story had the potential to be an impactful sequel, but the lack of weight in the plotlines and poor writing made it quite dull and even forceful at times. The series also tried to cover too many modern political grounds, which made it difficult to delve deeper into each storyline. The series also failed to maintain harmony between each episode, making it monotonous.
The direction felt aimless
The directors of the series Catherine Morshead and Andrew Chaplin attempted to make the series upbeat like the original movie, but it somehow back-fired, as several sequences of the sequel series felt stiff, disjointed, and quite over the top at times.
Scenes like the one where Horse passes away, or the one where Destiny goes missing had the potential to be quite emotionally driven. But the direction in those scenes, unfortunately, felt underwhelming.
The directors tried to focus on one particular character in each episode, which made several important storylines get lost in the chaotic set-up. Overall, the series tried to cover a lot of areas and several significant and serious subject matters just like the original movie. However, this time, it did not work and the direction felt quite aimless.
Beloved characters and promising acting by the lead cast makes The Full Monty worth a watch
The biggest highlight of the Hulu series was the return of the fan-favorite characters who are still charming as ever. The power-packed acting performances by the lead cast of the series further enhance this charm.
Robert Carlyle as Gary ''Gaz'' Schofield gave an arresting performance. He maintained the originality of the lead character and played all the subtle charms of the gang leader.
Talitha Wing, who portrayed Gaz's teenage daughter Destiny, did a great job of playing the pivotal role. She delved deep into the character and perfectly brought out her inner struggles. Her on-screen chemistry with her father is another highlight of the Hulu series.
Other cast members of The Full Monty, including Paul Clayton as Dennis Godfrey, Tom Wilkinson as Gerald Arthur Cooper, Mark Addy as Dave Horsefall, Phillip Rhys Chaudhary as Dilip Amagee, Tupele Dorgu as Yaz, and Aiden Cook as Twiglet have also done a promising job of portraying their respecting characters and making the series watch worthy.
Viewers can watch The Full Monty on Hulu.