The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Peacock’s upcoming reality show, is based on a book by the same name written by Margareta Magnusson. The series is executively produced by Amy Poehler and will bring in "Death Cleaners," a group of three Swedish professionals.
The trio--Johan, Ella, and Katarina--will help eight individuals declutter their lives, minds, and relationships before it’s too late. Offering an idea of what to expect from the show, Peacock states:
"Each story builds toward a physical overhaul of the home, as well as an emotional evolution, leaving us smiling with a lighter view of death and a more celebratory vision for the future. This is a journey of levity and hope as Amy Poehler hilariously guides us through stories about dealing with our stuff... so that those we leave behind aren’t faced with the overwhelming task of sorting through it."
Tune in on Thursday, April 27, on Peacock to watch the season premiere of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.
All about Peacock’s The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning
In the upcoming Peacock series, the Death Cleaners will meet with eight individuals as they guide them and help them declutter their lives. During the show, cast members Jonah, Ella, and Katarina will turn homes upside down as they uncover and clean decades-old items and belongings.
Speaking about the concept behind The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, Amy Poehler, in an April 2022 statement, said:
"We are so excited to work on such a life affirming project with the genius creators at Scout. Swedish Death Cleaning reminds us to focus on what is truly important, and we couldn’t find a better team to take this journey with than Peacock and the incredible Scout Team."
Meanwhile, Rod Aissam, EVP of unscripted content for NBCUniversal, revealed in a press release that during the upcoming series, viewers will be taken on an “honest and emotional” journey as they watch regular people conquer their worst fears and discover who they are on the inside.
Aissam further added that they hope the “dynamic” and “compassionate” series will spark conversations within households and break stigmas about mortality and the “tough reality of letting things go.”
In the trailer for The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning, the narrator states that everyone is going to die at some point or other. They further describe the format of the show as “basically cleaning out your cr*p” so that others don’t have to do it “when you’re gone.”
Johan tells one of the people that when he’s done with their house, they’re going to want to entertain guests while Katarina states that the process is about discovering what’s important to people. Meanwhile, Ella tells one family that they can’t save everything.
She also tells someone, set to appear on the show, to let their home be a “reflection” of themselves, as they struggle to let go of certain things. In the clip, Johan further adds that “death cleaning” is for life and that it's about “here and now,” and Amy Poehler, who narrates the show, adds:
"This is not a show about death. It’s about life."
Tune in on Thursday, April 27, on Peacock to watch the season premiere of The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning.