The Guardians of Justice season 1, created by Adi Shankar, made its debut on the popular streaming service Netflix on March 1, 2022. Since its premiere, it has started to catch the eye of both the audience and the critics with its remarkable blend of various animation styles and refreshingly unique storylines.
The Netflix animated series chronicles the story of the alien superhero Marvelous Man and how a distressing event will end up creating a clash between The Speed, the idealistic do-gooder and violent lieutenant Knight Hawk amidst the verge of a nuclear war.
The entire series is bound to give viewers a thrilling experience, however, it would be safe to say that the ending of the series is the most jaw-dropping part.
The ending of The Guardians of Justice explained
Let's dig deep and see how the ending of this compelling animated superhero series unfolds.
How did the Knight Hawk build his army to rule over the planet?
When the truth about the Marvelous Man's sexuality was revealed to Knight Hawk in season 1 of The Guardians of Justice, he believed that the world was not ready to hear it. He convinced everyone that the Mind Master had killed the Marvelous Man.
He further convinced them that he did it because he was associated with the terrorist group Anubis, whose main purpose was to generate a nuclear war. This gave Knight Hawk the power to build his army called Hawk Global Defense. In the name of saving humanity, establishing eternal peace and generating shared salvation, Knight Hawk led the world to immense bloodshed.
Is The Speed dead?
With the superficial excuse of the greater good, Knight Hawk used the Awesome Man who is also the Little Wing to manipulate The Speed to join their mission. However, The Speed did not agree to that and went on a mission to stop Knight Hawk and his ruthless army from destroying innocent lives in the name of world peace.
The Speed, with her extraordinary superpower, entered the headquarters of Knight Hawk's army and killed some of the members of his army, but Awesome Man, who is in reality the Little Wing, appeared and as Knight Hawk ordered, he killed The Speed with his own hands. And so, it is quite evident that The Speed is dead.
Was Knight Hawk's idea of greater good worth all the bloodshed?
During the final part of the series, The Guardians of Justice, Knight Hawk is seen remembering old memories where he had his very first encounter with the Marvelous Man. The late superhero explained to Knight Hawk that Galacron, the eternal cosmic titan and the destructor of Caltron, Marvelous Man's home planet, would come some day to engulf the Earth.
After the death of Marvelous Man at the very beginning of the series, Hawk realized that he needed more power to protect the Earth from the great threat of Galacron. He started to bend his fellow Guardians to his will in order to build an all-powerful army to defend against this future threat. Knight Hawk obtained it by providing America with an enemy in the present, the Anubis.
He further imagined a world where humanity would function and thrive through obedience under the banner of the Knight Hawk. At the very end of the series, Knight Hawk is seen exclaiming, "I can protect this world. But I have to do it my way."
Knight Hawk started all the bloodshed and destruction in the world solely based on the words of warning given by the late superhero Marvelous Man regarding the arrival of Galacron. But as The Guardians of Justice rightfully questioned, what if the warning never came true and all of this bloodshed was for absolutely nothing? The actions of the Knight Hawk are definitely not justified and most importantly not worth it.
Catch The Guardians of Justice season 1, streaming on Netflix since March 1, 2022.