The Guardians of Justice season 1 arrived exclusively on Netflix on March 1, 2022. Adi Shankar has served as the creator of this unique animated superhero dark satire. There are 7 episodes in total in the show that center around the alien superhero Marvelous Man and the aftermath of his painful death.
The series efficiently mixes conventional animation style with claymation, live-action, cut-out paper animation, and 8-bit video game footage in a "kaleidoscope of pop art insanity." The audience is bound to feel that this is a homage to the 90's almost-forgotten animation styles.
Stewart Yost, Luis Pelayo Junquera, Enol Junquera, and Kenlon Clark are the other directors associated with this Netflix animated series alongside Adi Shankar.
A major takeaway from The Guardians of Justice
A thoughtful homage to 90s animation universe
Created by Adi Shankar, The Guardians of Justice season 1 showcases a mindful blend of different animation forms. It displays the hybrid live-action, which was extremely popular in the 90's animation scene. The robust nature of this animation gives the series the nostalgic feeling of the 90s that the creator intended for.
The series also garners several scenes with the technique of stop-motion. It is another well-received animation technique from the 90s. Shakar brilliantly uses this technique in capturing several thrilling fighting scenes. For instance, the usage of stop-motion when The Speed fights with the members of the army created by Knight Hawk is absolutely unique and effective.
From pixel art to 2D animation, the series has it all
The well-known animation technique of pixel art can also be observed in several scenes in the Netflix superhero series The Guardians of Justice season 1. It is without a shred of doubt, one of the most popular retro animation formats of the 90s. The creator has used this animation technique in a marvelous way, which has added positivity to the unique nature of this recently launched Netflix series.
Apart from all these animation forms, the series also has eight distinct types of 2D animation. 2D animation played a pivotal role in the animation world of 90s. By utilizing this technique throughout the series, the creator has definitely paid tribute to the 90s animation era.
Hence, it is quite evident that the Adi Shankar series is not only unique in its representation of the superhero universe, but it is also refreshingly distinctive in its usage of various kinds of 90s' animation techniques, therefore, making it stand out from other animated series or movies of preset time.
Watch The Guardians of Justice season 1, streaming on Netflix from March 1, 2022.