The Hardy Boys, the popular mystery drama series, will return exclusively on Hulu with its upcoming third season this Wednesday, July 26, 2023. The show's third season will also be the final installment of the Canadian live-action series, which has taken its prime inspiration from Edward Stratemeyer's novel series of the same name. Steve Cochrane and Jason Stone have acted as developers for the Hulu series.
Ever since Hulu launched the official trailer for season 3 of The Hardy Boys, the followers of the show have been buzzing with excitement to witness how the brand new and final season will unfold, especially after the series' second season ended on such a striking note.
In season 2 of The Hardy Boys, viewers saw a series of arresting events as Joe and Frank Hardy built a stronger community in Bridgeport and further expanded it while solving new and complex mysteries. The season also introduced the audience to new characters and plot points, including unique holidays and rival schools, among others.
The Hardy Boys season 2 had an array of thrilling events, both earthly and supernatural
The second season of The Hardy Boys put its primary focus on the two sleuths, Frank and Joe Harry, discovering and solving several dark family mysteries. The season also highlighted the unique family dynamics as the two boys were reunited with their father in Bridgeport. The protagonists were also seen becoming integral parts of the tight Bridgeport community.
The preceding season began right where the first season ended, with the Eye getting perished, the Circle being disbanded, and Gloria getting behind bars. Soon, the two sleuths got involved in a complicated mystery-solving plot after a local student went missing. From there, one after another, mysterious incidents started to occur in the heart of the town.
Another huge revelation in season 2 was the return of the Eye, the evil supernatural relic. Its presence became prominent when the town was busy getting ready for their unusual celebration of "Demon Week". Although, in the second season, Joe Hardy was seen taking the leading role, both brothers played significant roles in building the entire storyline.
Probably the biggest plot twist season 2 gave the audience was Frank becoming the vessel to carry the consciousness of Munder's brother due to his possession of the Eye's power within him. Soon it was disclosed that it was all part of a grand plan made by Frank and Joe's great-grandfather, who wanted to resurrect himself all this time.
Towards the end of the second season of the Hulu show, Frank was seen battling it out with his great-grandfather and was able to get his hands on the crystal in order to get inside his own body. He somehow left the place unharmed. However, at the very end of the season, he was seen behaving rather strangely.
He entered the hospital room, where Gloria was admitted. He then told her that his plan worked, and he revealed himself to be her father. Thereafter, he went on to ask her about the scroll, but before Gloria could answer, she passed away, ending the season right there. Thus, a lot of secrets need to be revealed in the upcoming season of The Hardy Boys.
The Hardy Boys season 3 will air on Hulu on July 26, 2023.