The new Lifetime crime thriller movie, The Hillsdale Adoption Scam, is set to premiere on the network on Saturday, March 18, 2023. The movie centers around a happily married couple whose life takes a shocking turn after the biological mother of their foster son decides to take him.
Take a look at the film's official description, according to Lifetime:
''Bethany and Terrence have a thriving business, lots of friends, and a beautiful family. But, when their foster son’s biological mother decides she wants to take him back, they are desperate to find another brother for their daughter Mila. Bethany isn’t able to have kids so when a desperate pregnant woman named Georgia shows up on their porch looking for help it seems like kismet.''
The synopsis further reads:
''Terrence is hesitant about Georgia, but Bethany dives in head first taking Georgia shopping, renting her an apartment, and even giving her a job at her successful interior design firm. As the pregnancy progresses even Bethany has to admit things don’t seem right so she begins to look into Georgia’s past.''
The movie stars Keshia Knight Pulliam and Danika Frederick in the lead roles, along with several others portraying significant supporting roles. The film is helmed by Asia Youngman and written by Justin D James.
Lifetime's The Hillsdale Adoption Scam cast list: Keshia Knight Pulliam and others to star in upcoming thriller drama
1) Keshia Knight Pulliam as Bethany
Keshia Knight Pulliam stars as Bethany in Lifetime's The Hillsdale Adoption Scam. Bethany and her husband are the focus of the story as their foster son's biological mother wants him back, which forms the crux of the film.
It'll be interesting to see how Bethany's character will be explored in the movie. Apart from The Hillsdale Adoption Scam, Keshia Knight Pulliam has starred in quite a few movies like My Brother's Keeper, The Christmas Aunt, and A New Orleans Noel, to name a few.
2) Michael Strickland as Terrence
Actor Michael Strickland portrays the character of Terrence in the new Lifetime thriller movie. Strickland looks phenomenal as Bethany's husband, Terrence, in the film's trailer and viewers can expect him to deliver a powerful performance in the movie.
Michael Strickland's other memorable film and TV acting credits include A Brush with Christmas, A New Year's Resolution, and Bigfoot Country, among many more.
3) Danika Frederick as Georgia
Danika Frederick dons the role of Georgia in The Hillsdale Adoption Scam. Georgia is the pregnant woman who seeks Terrence and Bethany's help. She plays a pivotal role in the couple's lives, and it'll be fascinating to watch Frederick's performance in this challenging role.
Danika Frederick has previously appeared in First Person Shooter, Once Upon a Christmas Miracle, I Still See You, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the movie also stars numerous others in important supporting roles like:
- David Tomlinson as Puck
- Lauren Cochrane as Carmen
- Leona Katambi as Mila
Based on the trailer and synopsis for The Hillsdale Adoption Scam, viewers can expect a disturbing crime thriller similar in tone to the network's other movies like Black Girl Missing, Stranger Next Door, and many more.
Don't forget to watch The Hillsdale Adoption Scam on Lifetime on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 8 pm ET.