The Horton family is a fictional family on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives, and they have been featured continuously since the show's debut episode on November 8, 1965. The family in the show revolves around the marriage, children, and extended relationships of Tom Horton and his wife Alice.
The Hortons are prominently known as a family of doctors, but they have expanded to include lawyers, journalists, police officers, and more. Alongside the Brady family, the Hortons are one of the two central families on the show.
The Horton Family Tree on Days of Our Lives consists of 7 generations
The Days of Our Lives Horton family begins with William Horton I and Adelaide Horton. Their children include Sid Grayson and Abigail Grayson.
In the second generation, Dr. Thomas Horton and Alice Grayson became the central figures. Their three children, Tommy Horton Jr., Kitty Horton, and Addie Horton, carried the family forward.
The third generation witnessed the continuation of the family saga with Tommy Horton Jr. and his wife Kitty Horton, as well as Addie Horton, whose marriages to Ben Olson and Doug Williams added layers to the family dynamics.
As the narrative progressed into the fourth generation, key members such as Mickey Horton, Bill Horton, Marie Horton, Julie Olson Williams, Hope Williams Brady, Jennifer Horton, and Lucas Horton took center stage. Marriages, divorces, and various relationships contributed to the complexity of the family tree.
The fifth generation brought forth characters like Sandy Horton, Julie Olson Williams, Hope Williams Brady, Jennifer Horton, Lucas Horton, Melissa Horton, Mike Horton, Samantha "Sami" Brady, and Will Horton.
In the sixth generation, new additions like Spencer Olson, David Banning, Shawn-Douglas Brady, Isabella "Belle" Brady, Ciara Alice Brady Weston, Nathan Horton, Mackenzie Horton, Jeremy Horton, Abigail Johanna Deveraux, Jack Patrick "JJ" Deveraux Jr., William Robert "Will" Horton, Alice Caroline "Allie" Horton, and Nicholas "Nick" Fallon expanded the family tree further.
The seventh generation introduced Scott "Scotty" Banning II, Claire Brady, Arianna Grace Horton, Eli Grant, and Thomas DiMera, marking the ongoing legacy of the Hortons in the fictional town of Salem.
Where it all started on Days of Our Lives
The Horton family has had a long-standing presence in Salem, thanks to its patriarch and matriarch, Tom and Alice. The family's values, traditions, and rich history have been passed down through generations, each facing their own unique set of challenges and triumphs.
The relationships between family members have contributed to the show's narrative, with the Days of Our Lives Horton family tree remaining a central aspect of the show.
With new generations continually adding to the web of relationships in the fictional town of Salem, the Horton family's legacy is going to live on for a long time.
Days of Our Lives premiered on July 1st, 1965, and has been on air for 58 years.