The British crime drama series, titled The Hunt For Raoul Moat, is all set to premiere on Britbox on Thursday, September 28, 2023. The show focuses on the titular character, who, after returning from prison, goes on a killing spree, prompting authorities to hunt him down.
Here's a short description of the series, as per ITV's press release:
''The Hunt For Raoul Moat shines a light on the human tragedies that lay behind Britain’s biggest manhunt, told through the eyes of those who sought to bring a violent killer to justice.''
The description further continues:
''The drama focuses on the innocent victims of Moat’s crimes - Christopher Brown, Samantha Stobbart and PC David Rathband; the police officers who put themselves in the firing line in their quest to apprehend Moat; and the local journalist who sought to tell Moat’s real story in a landscape of sensationalist reporting and social media provocation.''
The Hunt For Raoul Moat features Lee Ingleby and Matt Stokoe in key roles, along with many others playing major supporting characters. The show is written by Kevin Sampson.
The Hunt for Raoul Moat cast list: Who stars in the British crime drama series?
1) Lee Ingleby as Neil Adamson
Lee Ingleby stars in the lead role as Neil Adamson in The Hunt For Raoul Moat. Neil is a senior Northumbria Police Officer tasked with leading the search for Raoul Moat. He was known to be extremely fearless and efficient and it'll be interesting to see how his character pans out over the course of the narrative.
Lee Ingleby looks perfectly cast in the lead role and viewers can expect him to deliver a memorable performance in the show. His other notable acting credits include The Lost King, Criminal: UK, The Five, and Last Knights, to name a few.
2) Matt Stokoe as Raoul Moat
Matt Stokoe stars in the titular role as Raoul Moat in the crime drama series. Raoul goes on a shooting spree after his return from prison, sparking a manhunt.
Stokoe looks brilliant in the role as he perfectly portrays his character's core traits with remarkable ease. He's previously appeared in many other films and TV shows like Rose: A Love Story, Cursed, The Dyatlov Pass Incident, and Hollow, among many more.
3) Sonya Cassidy as Diane Barnwell
Sonya Cassidy essays the role of Diane Barnwell in The Hunt For Raoul Moat. Diane is a journalist who covers the shooting incident involving Moat. Apart from that, more details regarding her character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but viewers can expect her to deliver a fine performance in the show.
As an actor, Cassidy is known for her performances in The Man Who Fell to Earth, The Woman in White, Breaking the Bank, and many more.
Apart from the above-mentioned actors, the show also stars numerous others in key supporting roles:
- Josef Davis as Christopher Brown
- Vineeta Rishi as Nisha Roberts
- Sally Messham as Samantha Stobbart
Viewers can watch The Hunt For Raoul Moat on Britbox on Thursday, September 28, 2023.