In a bold departure from her Disney roots, Jenna Ortega faces unexpected controversy with her latest film, Miller's Girl. Her role in this movie is probably the farthest thing from her prior projects. The intersection of age dynamics, unconventional relationships, and unexpected plot twists has fueled an online conversation, leading to divided opinions within the fandom.
One particular scene between Ortega and her co-star, Gideon Adlon, has further sparked heated discussions on the internet. Miller's Girl, released on January 26, 2024, marks Jenna Ortega's lowest film score to date, raising concerns among fans about the trajectory of her diverse acting career. Notably, the film also ranks at the bottom of Martin Freeman's body of work.
Jenna Ortega’s new movie: Audience reception
The release of Miller's Girl has ignited a spirited war of words among Jenna Ortega fans. While some are perfectly happy to watch the movie simply because Ortega is a part of it, others are disappointed with her choice of role. Others contend that it's just the natural progression of an acting career in the present entertainment landscape.
Controversy surrounding Miller's Girl initially stemmed from the notable age difference between Jenna Ortega, 21, and her co-star Martin Freeman, 52. While the movie's narrative revolves around these age dynamics, Ortega, known for her more recent roles in Wednesday and Scream, taking on this mature role has left fans in shock.
Some viewers expressed discomfort with the on-screen sexual tension, raising questions about the appropriateness of the casting choices. In the film, Jenna Ortega takes on the role of Cairo Sweet, an 18-year-old with a frosty demeanor and a wealthy yet absent family. The plot unfolds as Cairo becomes entangled with her former creative writing professor, Jonathan Miller, portrayed by Martin Freeman.
More about Miller’s Girl
Adding further fuel to the controversy, Miller's Girl features a same-sex kiss between Ortega and her co-star, Gideon Adlon, who portrays Winnie in the movie. The unexpected nature of this scene has elicited diverse reactions from Ortega's fanbase. Some welcomed the inclusive portrayal, seeing it as a positive step towards representation, while others found it contentious.
Scenes involving same-sex kisses often spark debates on LGBTQ+ representation, reflecting the diverse attitudes prevalent in society. Jenna Ortega's influence and her predominantly young fan demographic amplify the discussion, with opinions varying on the appropriateness of such content for certain audiences.
Miller’s Girl: Plot overview
Miller's Girl explores the boundaries of what's appropriate between a student and teacher and puts Jonathan's career at risk. Although the movie portrays Cairo in an antagonistic light, Jonathan repeatedly behaves inappropriately as well, such as by inviting her to a poetry reading and initiating physical contact.
While Miller eventually tries to stop when he realizes how improper it is and even rejects Cairo's advances, she then turns the tables on her professor, reporting to the higher-ups that the two had a relationship that went beyond teacher and student.
Directed and written by Jade Halley Bartlett, Miller's Girl received mixed reviews from critics. The Rotten Tomatoes website states.
"Despite a pair of talented stars and a central concept with a certain amount of real-world relevance, the narratively superficial Miller's Girl rings hollow."
Metacritic echoes this sentiment with a score of 42 out of 100, indicating "mixed or average" reviews from 12 critics.