Netflix has added another gem, The Journalist, to its treasure trove of foreign language thriller series. Starting January 13, this Japanese drama is directed by Michihito Fujii, the same director as that of its Japanese Academy Award winning original movie, and adapted from the novel by Isoko Mochizuki of the same name.
The Journalist, much like its 2019 inception movie, goes through a range of pivotal themes, including mystery, suspense, guilt and the integrity of the journalistic news media.
Reasons that make 'The Journalist' a must watch for fans
This story is an attempt at whistleblowing the notorious truths that the government keeps undercover. It is a story that portrays the unbridled brilliance of journalists like Anna Matsuda and Ryo in getting the truth, after long-standing battles, to finally see the light of day.
Apart from a cast of brilliant actors who provide stellar performances, an alluring cinematography, background score and impecable direction, there are other reasons for this show to shine.
1) Adaptation of an Academy Award Movie into an episodic series
The movie, directed by Michihito Fujii, received major accolades for Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Actress at the Japanese Academy Awards in 2019. When this movie was already adopted from the novel of the same name and was being converted into a major drama series and dubbed into several regional languages, the fans knew no better joy.
2) Emotional Integrity in Journalism
Four protagonists, mostly journalists, assume the role of the powerful, the scapegoat, the main journalist and the denoted, who have made it their life's mission to uncover the truth.
Fear, stress, danger and honor-bound emotions related to the careers of these reporters, who jeopardize their safety for public justice. Humor is not used to downplaying the struggle of fighting against a well-oiled machine of nasty bureaucracy. Such emotional portrayals are seldom seen openly in modern dramas.
3) Who is the face of the story?
The series does a brilliant job in not making the series play around the whims of the Japanese Prime Minister. It presents a clear picture of the civil servants who work under these governmental authorities, and are forced to side with false narratives in order to protect their and their families' lives.
The lack of accountability of the Japanese government is emblematic of the political-thriller genre. With the premise and the actual take on the show as strong as it is, The Journalist is a must-watch for all fans who like a darker side to their content.