LMN's new thriller film, The Kept Mistress Killer, is all set to air on the channel on Thursday, July 6, 2023. The movie centers around a young woman who's hired by the highly charismatic CEO of a reputed company. The two soon fall in love but their relationship isn't as rosy as it seemed initially. Here's the official synopsis of the movie, as per LMN:
''When beautiful Catherine Brunner interviews for a new job as a financial trader at a top investment firm, the CEO of the company, handsome Paul Burke, hires her right in the room with an eye towards bringing her to the top. He also has his eye on romance and the two quickly begin to fall for each other, as Paul lavishes her with extra attention and gifts.''
The synopsis further reads:
''Everything seems great… until the morning after a business party, when Catherine wakes up alone in Paul’s lavish mansion, and walks downstairs only to find the dead body of his ex-wife!''
The film features Alicia Leigh Willis in the lead role, alongside various others portraying key supporting characters. It is directed by Jeff Hare and written by Stephen Romano.
LMN's The Kept Mistress cast list: Alicia Leigh Willis and others to feature in new thriller film
1) Alicia Leigh Willis as Catherine Brunner
Alicia Leigh Willis plays the role of Catherine Brunner in LMN's The Kept Mistress. Catherine is a young, charming, and ambitious woman who's been hired by a reputed organization. She then falls in love with the CEO of a company, but things take a devastating turn when one day, she wakes up alone in his house and finds the dead body of his ex-wife.
Catherine is the protagonist of the story, and it'll be fascinating to see how her character would be explored in the film. Viewers can expect Alicia Leigh Willis to deliver a powerful performance in the film. Her other memorable acting credits include Christmas at The Greenbrier, She Is Not Your Daughter, and The Bay, to name a few.
2) Matthew Pohlkamp as Paul
Actor Matthew Pohlkamp stars as Paul in the new LMN thriller film. Paul is the charming CEO of a famous company who falls in love with Catherine. However, there seems to be more to him than what meets the eye. His relationship with Catherine forms the crux of the story, and it'll be interesting to see how his character evolves throughout the film.
Apart from The Kept Mistress Killer, Matthew Pohlkam has starred in quite a few movies like My Nightmare Office Affair, The Wrong Blind Date, Dangerous Snow Day, and many more.
3) Sallie Glaner as Hailey
Sallie Glaner essays the character of Hailey in The Kept Mistress Killer. Apart from that, more details about her character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but viewers can expect her to play a pivotal role in the story. She's known for her appearances in Heart of the Manor, Power of the Air, and Best Friends Forever, among many more.
Apart from Sallie Glaner, Alicia Leigh Willis, and Matthew Pohlkamp, the movie also stars many other actors in supporting roles:
- Brittney Q. Hill
- Jessie Vaughn
- Gregory M. Mitchell
Don't forget to catch The Kept Mistress Killer on LMN on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 8 pm ET.