Under the sea, in a world of wonder and mystery, a beloved tale comes to life in Disney's highly-anticipated live-action adaptation of The Little Mermaid. Set to enchant audiences on May 26, 2023, on Disney+ and in theatres, this magical retelling promises to captivate viewers with its stunning visuals and talented ensemble. The timeless tale of Ariel, the inquisitive mermaid princess yearning to discover the world above the sea, is revitalized in this visually spectacular movie.
The recently unveiled teaser of The Little Mermaid offers a sneak peek into the film's mesmerizing underwater world, alluding to the exciting conflicts and changing relationships between the characters.
This reimagined adaptation of The Little Mermaid retains the essence of its animated predecessor while introducing innovative twists that will engage moviegoers.
Jonah Hauer-King and others to star in The Little Mermaid
The live-action adaptation features a star-studded cast, ready to breathe new life into the iconic characters.
1) Halle Bailey as Ariel
22-year-old singer and actress Halle Bailey takes on the iconic role of Ariel, the curious and adventurous mermaid princess who dreams of exploring the world above the sea.
Bailey is known for her work with the musical duo Chloe x Halle and her role in the series Grown-ish. In an interview, Bailey expressed her excitement about the role and said:
"The whole experience of filming, in more ways than one, mirrored Ariel's journey of finding herself and her voice."
2) Jonah Hauer-King as Prince Eric
Jonah Hauer-King brings charm and undeniable chemistry with Bailey to the role of Prince Eric, Ariel's dashing love interest. Known for his performances in World on Fire and A Dog's Way Home, Hauer-King is set to steal hearts as the beloved prince.
Viewers can expect to be swept away by their enchanting performances as they navigate the challenges and triumphs of falling in love beneath the waves.
3) Melissa McCarthy as Ursula
The wickedly talented Melissa McCarthy brings the iconic sea witch Ursula to life. Known for her comedic roles in Bridesmaids and Spy, McCarthy promises a villainous performance that's both captivating and sinister. In a recent interview with Entertainment Tonight, McCarthy said:
"Doing the Mermaid and working with Rob Marshall and doing one of my favorite villains of all time was an out-of-body experience. I loved it. I loved every second of it and I cried like a baby on my last day."
The movie also boasts a talented supporting cast, including:
- Javier Bardem as King Triton: Ariel's powerful father, who rules the undersea kingdom of Atlantica.
- Jacob Tremblay as Flounder: Ariel's loyal best friend, who supports her in her quest to explore the world above.
- Daveed Diggs as Sebastian: The iconic Jamaican-accented crab who serves as King Triton's advisor and is tasked with keeping an eye on Ariel.
- Awkwafina as Scuttle: A quirky and hilarious seagull who provides Ariel with (often incorrect) information about the human world.
These actors come together in The Little Mermaid to create a vivid and enthralling underwater universe that audiences will undoubtedly adore.
As the premiere of The Little Mermaid draws near, anticipation is building among fans who are eagerly awaiting the chance to immerse themselves in this magical undersea world. Make sure to mark your calendars for May 26, 2023, on Disney+ and in theaters, and tune in to be swept away into Ariel's enchanting world.