Netflix's latest Italian coming-of-age drama series, The Lying Life of Adults, is all set to drop on the streaming platform on Wednesday, January 4, 2023. The movie tells the story of a girl experiencing the numerous facets of teenage life as she goes on a profound journey of self-discovery that changes her perspective on life. Here's a short synopsis of the show, as per Netflix's official YouTube channel:
''When you are little, everything seems big. When you are big, everything seems nothing.'' A quote that summarizes Giovanna's story: her transition from adolescence, when every problem seems unsolvable, to adulthood, uncovering her family's lies while discovering an unprecedented Naples.''
The description further reads:
''In 1990s Naples, brash and bold Aunt Vittoria helps her sheltered niece experience a different side of the city, upsetting the teen's strict parents.''
The Lying Life of Adults stars Giordana Marengo in the lead role, along with Valeria Golino and several others playing key supporting/minor roles. The show has a total of six episodes.
The Lying Life of Adults cast list: Giordana Marengo, and others to star in Netflix's new Italian drama series
1) Giordana Marengo as Giovanna
Giordana Marengo dons the lead role of Giovanna in The Lying Life of Adults. With the help of her beloved aunt, Giovanna goes on a life-changing journey of self-discovery that shapes her personality as she traverses the numerous phases of adolescence. Marengo looks quite impressive in the trailer, promising to deliver a memorable performance in her debut.
2) Valeria Golino as Aunt Vittoria
Actress Valeria Golino portrays the role of Vittoria in the upcoming Netflix drama series. Vittoria is Giovanna's aunt, who plays a pivotal role in her life. Golino looks brilliant in the trailer, and fans can expect the acclaimed Italian film star to deliver a powerful performance in the show.
Apart from The Lying Life of Adults, Valeria Golino is known for her performances in the Dustin Hoffman-Tom Cruise starrer Rain Man, Mario's War, and Our Country, to name a few.
3) Alessandro Preziosi as Andrea
Actor Alessandro Preziosi plays the character of Andrea in The Lying Life of Adults. Andrea is Giovanna's father and plays a significant role in the series. Alessandro Preziosi's other memorable TV and film acting credits include A Liberal Passion, Men vs. Women, Non mentire, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, The Lying Life of Adults features several others portraying pivotal supporting roles, including:
- Pina Turco as Nella
- Rossella Gamba as Angela
- Adriano Pantaleo as Rosario
- Azzurra Mennella as Ida
- Biagio Forestieri as Mariano
The official trailer for The Lying Life of Adults briefly depicts protagonist Giovanna's life as she experiences the wonders of adolescence while exploring her inner self. Her aunt, Vitorria, plays an inspirational role in her life.
The trailer's lively, energetic tone goes well with the storyline. The music featured is also quite nostalgic and transports viewers several years back to the 90s. Fans can look forward to a thoroughly emotional and entertaining experience based on the trailer.
Don't miss the new series, The Lying Life of Adults, on Netflix on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.