The Marvels is an upcoming American superhero film produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios. The film was released on November 10, 2023. It is the thirty-third movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Megan McDonnell and Elissa Karasik write the film while Nia DaCosta directs the movie.
In the film Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeu and Kamala Khan begin swap places every time they use their powers.
Here is the cast list of The Marvels:
Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel
Teyonnah Parris as Monica Rambeau
Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan/ Ms. Marvel
Zawe Ashton as Dar- Benn
Park Seo- Joon as Prince Yan
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeau
Randyll Park as Jimmy Woo
Brie Larson
Brie Larson plays the role of Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel. She is an American actress who was born on October 1, 1989, at Sacramento, California. She has been working in films since she was a teenager and started her career by primarily working in teen movies. She won an Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance in the 2015 film Room. Since then, she has worked in independent and Blockbuster films.
Teyonnah Parris
Teyonnah Parris is an American actress and she plays the role of Monica Rambeau in the film. She is an acclaimed actress who has worked on TV series like Empire and Mad Men, and in many successful films like Chi-Raq and If Beale Street Could Talk as well. She made her MCU debut with Marvel Mini-Series WandaVision. She also worked in the movies like Candyman and They Cloned Tyrone.
Iman Vellani
Iman Vellani plays Kamala Khan/ Ms. Marvel in the film. She is a Canadian actress and comic writer who was born in Karachi, Pakistan. She made her breakthrough in the Marvel Miniseries Ms.Marvel and is set to reprise her role as Ms. Marvel in the upcoming film The Marvels. The 21-year-old actress was set to join the Ontario College of Art & Design University before she got the breakthrough role in the Marvel universe.
Samuel L Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson stands as an iconic figure in American cinema. With an extensive repertoire spanning over 100 films and television shows, Jackson's contributions have raked in a staggering $27 billion globally, securing his place as the second-highest-grossing actor in history. His unmistakable voice and penchant for colorful language further distinguish him in the industry.
Born in Washington, D.C., and nurtured in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Jackson's early years were marked by involvement in the Black Power movement during his tenure at Morehouse College in Atlanta. Expelled to advocate against the predominantly white school board, he ventured to New York City to pursue his acting aspirations.
A. The Marvels will release on November 10, 2023.
A. The budget of The Marvels is $270 million.
A. Brie Larson is 34 years old.