The much-awaited and highly exhilarating horror mystery series, The Midnight Club, finally arrived exclusively on Netflix on Friday, October 7, 2022. The suspensefully woven series has been gleaned from the much-cherished book of the same name written by the critically acclaimed American author Christopher Pike.
The Midnight Club stars an intriguing list of highly talented young actors, entailing Iman Benson, Adia, Ruth Codd, Igby Rigney, William Chris Sumpter, Aya Furukawa, Annarah Cymone, Zach Gilford, Sauriyan Sapkota, Heather Langenkamp and several others.
Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong have acted as the co-creators for the gripping thriller series, with Christopher Pike, Julia Bicknell, and Trevor Macy serving as the executive producers.
The official synopsis for the series, released by the streaming platform, says:
"At a hospice for terminally ill young adults, eight patients come together every night at midnight to tell each other stories – and make a pact that the next of them to die will give the group a sign from the beyond."
It is safe to say that episode 1 of The Midnight Club, titled, The Final Chapter, perfectly set the bar for the rest of the series as it began on such an intriguing note and ended in an ominous tone. Undoubtedly, viewers are eager to learn how the second episode of the series unfolded.
So, without further delay, let's dig deep and find out what episode 2 of The Midnight Club has in store for the audience.
A recap/review of The Midnight Club episode 2: The Two Danas
Whose turn was it to tell the ghost story?
In episode 2 of The Midnight Club, Anya volunteers to tell the story of the two Danas. This story will take viewers on a haunting yet electrifying rollercoaster ride. It's about a girl who wants to become a professional ballet dancer but also has a darker side.
She has always lived a safe and risk-free life, being the perfect daughter and ballet practitioner. She has never had the freedom or the opportunity to have fun and make a few mistakes.
However, one day, everything changes in her life as the devil herself arrives inside her room to grant her a wish. When she asks what she wants in return as an offering, the devil says that she does not need anything in return, but she cannot undo it after making the wish come true. So the young girl agrees to make a wish.
As a result of the wish, another version of herself appears. Both the old and new versions of the young girl can feel each other's pain and joy and everything else, both physically and emotionally. They come to an agreement that the original one will live her old life while the new one will enjoy parties and all the dark desires, including hard drugs.
How did it all end up for the two versions of the young girl?
The audience can see that everything is going great for the two, but suddenly good things stop, and the two become each other's nemesis. The new version develops a serious addiction, and it starts hindering the life of the original one. At one point, the new one even stops contacting the old one, making her more vulnerable and miserable.
Things only get worse from there, and one day, the original version decides to finish the other version to return to her old life. But it turns out the new version has also decided the same, and the two end up shooting each other.
However, in the end, only one survives that too at the cost of losing her leg. The other one dies and goes to hell. Although alive, the living one gets to feel everything the other feels down in hell. She does not even know which version of her has survived.
Another highlight of the second episode is that at the end of the episode, Kevin is seen helping llonka steal the file of Julia Jayne from Dr. Stanton's office. Hence, episode 2 ends on a highly thrilling note.
Don't forget to watch The Midnight Club episode 2, titled, The Two Danas, currently streaming on Netflix.