The Real Housewives franchise, Bravo's popular series, has aired since 2006 when RHOC first aired. The reality series has seen several cast members come and go over the years, while others have maintained their positions as fan favorites. However, more often than not, the cast members who were let go also brought the most drama.
While Monica Garcia from The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's future hasn't been commented on, she was revealed to be the handler of an Instagram troll account during season 4's finale, which aired on Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
This list includes Danielle Staub from The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Brandi Glanville and Camille Grammer from RHOBH, and Kelly Dodd.
Seasons and episodes of the long-running franchise are available to stream on Bravo and Peacock.
Monica Garcia, Danielle Staub, and more villains of The Real Housewives franchise
The long-running show has seen numerous arguments, fallouts, and confrontations since its inception in 2006. In the most recent scandal to hit The Real Housewives franchise, which unfolded on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, it was disclosed that Monica Garcia, a recent addition to the RHOSLC cast, was identified as the operator behind a troll account responsible for "tormenting" her fellow cast members.
1) Monica Garcia
The newest member of the Bravo franchise rocked the boat after only one season. Monica was Jen Shah's assistant before the alum was arrested and only appeared in season 4. The show's finale aired recently, during which she was revealed to be a "schemer" who played a part in "exposing" Jen Shah and leaking information about the other cast members online.
The revelation led to a big blowout between her and the rest of the cast. However, Monica didn't seem apologetic about her actions and noted that the burner page wasn't a big deal.
2) Danielle Staub
Danielle was only a leading cast member for the first two seasons of The Real Housewives of New Jersey before being demoted to the role of a friend, but that didn't stop her from adding to the drama. In season 10, she pilled Margaret Joseph's hair. A season before that, she treated her cast members poorly and resorted to using inappropriate language whenever she was angry. Some of the cast members the villain fought with included Ashlee Malleo.
3) Camille Grammer
The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum wasn't known for treating her co-stars nicely. She took it out on the RHOBH cast as her marriage fell apart. Camille was also known to stir the pot. While she left the Bravo show years ago, news of her brief return didn't sit well with the cast.
4) Brandi Glanville
The RHOBH alum appeared on the show from seasons 3 to 5 and was known for being impulsive and aggressive. Some of her offenses during her time as a prominent cast member included slapping Lisa Vanderpump across the face and throwing a win on Eileen Davidson.
Last year, the cast member was asked to return for a season of RHUGT but was let go while filming as she made inappropriate s*xual advances toward another cast member.
5) Kelly Dodd
Kelly Dodd joined the cast of RHOC in season 11 but quickly started displaying behavior that didn't sit well with the rest of the cast. From inappropriate comments to insults directed at her cast members, she quickly gained the reputation of being a villain. Some of her offenses included body shaming Shannon Beador and accusing her husband David of cheating, calling Vicki Gunvalson a "pig," and accusing Braunwyn Burke of being a fake alcoholic. She also spread misinformation about Covid 19 and was let go by Bravo after season 15.