HBO's critically acclaimed comedy series, The Righteous Gemstones, is all set to return with its third season on Sunday, June 18, 2023. The show centers around the lives of various people from a prominent family of televangelists and pastors. It explores the dark sides of their lives with a tinge of humor that makes for an entertaining experience. Here's the official synopsis of the show, according to HBO:
''From Danny McBride (HBO’s Vice Principals), this critically acclaimed comedy follows a world-famous televangelist family with a long tradition of deviance, greed, and charitable work.''
The description further reads,
''Left flailing in the wake of their patriarch Eli Gemstone’s (John Goodman) semi-retirement, Season 3 finds Jesse (McBride), Judy (Edi Patterson), and Kelvin (Adam Devine) in charge of the vast Gemstone empire. When their long-lost cousins come out of the woodwork, the siblings must work together if they want to keep the Gemtsone legacy intact. An irreverent look at the lives of holy rollers, The Righteous Gemstones explores the salacious world of those who offer salvation… to the highest bidder.''
The show features several returning cast members, including John Goodman and Danny McBride, among many others. It also stars a few newcomers like Steve Zahn and Stephen Dorff.
HBO's The Righteous Gemstones season 3 cast: Newcomers Steve Zahn and others join the comedy series
1) Steve Zahn as Frank
Steve Zahn portrays the role of Frank in HBO's The Righteous Gemstones season 3. Based on various reports, Frank is a militia leader who's set to play a key role in season 3's storyline. Zahn looks quite impressive in the new season's teaser, promising to deliver a memorable performance in the show.
Apart from The Righteous Gemstones, Steve Zahn is known for his performances in various other acclaimed and popular TV series and movies like Dallas Buyers Club, The White Lotus, Happy, Texas, and many more.
2) Stephen Dorff as Simpkins
Actor Stephen Dorff is also part of the cast of HBO's acclaimed black comedy series. He reportedly plays the role of Jesse's rival. Apart from that, more details regarding his character are currently being kept under tight wraps.
Viewers might be familiar with Stephen Dorff's work on The Price We Pay, Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star, and True Detective, among many more.
3) Kristen Johnsonton as May-May Montgomery
Kristen Johnsonton joins the cast of The Righteous Gemstones season 3 as May-May Montgomery. She's someone whom the Gemstones are quite familiar with as the family seems to have had a past with her, but no other specific details about her character are known.
Viewers can expect Johnsonton to play a significant role in the show. She's previously appeared in various shows and films like Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, Mom, Music and Lyrics, 3rd Rock From the Sun, and many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the new season also features several other newcomers who will play crucial roles in the series. These include actors like:
- Shea Wigham
- Casey Wilson
- Lukas Haas
- Stephen Schneider
- Robert Oberst
- Iliza Shlesinger
- Sturgill Simpson
Don't forget to watch the first two episodes of The Righteous Gemstones on HBO on Sunday, June 18, 2023.