Renowned South Korean comedians Shin Dong-yeop and Sung Si-kyung are all set to embark on a completely rare and fresh adventure with their upcoming Netflix show, The Risqué Business. The show will explore the sex cultures of the Netherlands and Germany in the third season of the series.
This series is a departure from the usual content seen on Korean television as they will explore a genre that entertainers in the country rarely discuss. Despite being in the industry for years, this venture represents a bold and innovative move for both stars.
The official trailer for the series was released on February 13, 2024, generating curiosity and anticipation among fans. They are now eager to see how the duo navigates this rare-charted territory. As this project will be released on Netflix, audiences in Korea and around the world are curious to witness the outcome of this unique exploration.
Shin Dong-yeop and Sung Si-kyung's The Risqué Business returns for season 3
Release date:
Following the success of its predecessors, The Risqué Business: Japan and The Risqué Business: Taiwan, the dynamic Korean comedian duo is back to entertain fans with a new experience in The Risqué Business: Germany and Netherlands. Set to premiere on Netflix on February 20, 2024, the exact airing time of the episodes is yet to be announced.
Main Cast:
Shin Dong-yeop and Sung Si-kyung are a popular South Korean comedian duo known for their witty banter and comedic timing on various television variety shows.
Shin Dong-yeop has been popular in the South Korean entertainment industry for decades. He has hosted numerous popular television programs, including talk shows, variety shows, and award ceremonies. He is also referred to as the "Nation's MC."
Sung Si-kyung, on the other hand, is a singer-songwriter who later assumed the role of a comedian as well. His dry humor and comic timing complement Shin Dong-yeop's lively personality, and together, they create a dynamic duo that entertains audiences with their interactions and humorous antics.
Sung Si-kyung and Shin Dong-yeop have appeared on numerous television shows and events. Their partnership has become a beloved phenomenon in the South Korean entertainment industry.
In this latest season 3 announcement of The Risqué Business, Shin Dong-yeop and Sung Si-kyung will embark on a unique "sex culture" tour of Germany and the Netherlands. They will dive into the unconventional and intriguing aspects of these European countries.
The show will see the two hosts competing in entertaining tasks and uncomfortable yet humorous experiences. They will also navigate through red-light districts, nudist communities, and other similar settings.
The official trailer, released on February 20 via Netflix Korea, provides a glimpse into the hilarious moments of the two stars as they set out to explore the local cultures of Germany and the Netherlands. From visiting naked dance clubs to exploring the concept of masturbation from a new perspective, the trailer showcases the duo's comedic reactions and interactions with locals.
While The Risqué Business may push the boundaries of traditional Korean entertainment, it will also offer a fresh perspective on societal norms and attitudes towards intimacy. As two well-known celebrities are the hosts of this series, their firsthand experiences will contribute to a more open-minded dialogue about sex education and culture in Korea.
Fans eagerly anticipate the new series, wanting to see how Shin Dong-yeop and Sung Si-kyung live the challenges and surprises that await them in Germany and the Netherlands.