America's longest-running animated sitcom, The Simpsons, is back with another new episode this weekend. We are currently on season 34 of the sitcom, which premiered on September 25, 2022, with Habeas Tortoise. The current season is scheduled to conclude on May 14, 2023, with Homer's Adventure Through the Windshield Glass.
Using the standard setup of a situational comedy or sitcom, the series centers on a dysfunctional family and their life in a typical American town. The show is a satirical parody of a middle-class American lifestyle.
What do we know about the upcoming episode of The Simpsons?
As we are nearing the end of the season, loyal fans of the series are waiting with anticipation to find out what lies ahead in the upcoming episode, episode 17. Take a look at the release date, plot, and more details about The Simpsons season 34 episode 17.
What is The Simpsons season 34 episode 17 release date? How to watch the sitcom?
The network has already revealed the air date for episode 17 of season 34. This Sunday, March 19, 2023, at 8 PM EST, the show will air on FOX network television.
Viewers who do not have a cable connection can watch the episode by accessing it via Fox on Live TV platforms such as Sling TV and Fubo TV. Previous episodes of The Simpsons are now also available on Disney Plus Hotstar. If you are a new viewer, you can catch up on the long history of the sitcom via Disney's streaming platform.
Plot of episode 17
The Simpsons season 34 episode 17 official synopsis, according to Rotten Tomatoes, is as follows:
"A mysterious figure from Marge's past returns to coach her for a bowling tournament"
Pin Gal is the title of the episode, but no trailers or sneak peeks of what will air this Sunday have been made public. Marge will be the main character in Pin Gal, and we can anticipate the return of our beloved bowler Jacques.
Along with the usual voice actors, episode 17 will see two guest voice actors coming in. Fred Armisen will be voicing Terrence and Albert Brooks will be voicing Jacques. This episode has been written by Jeff Westbrook and directed by Chris Clements.
The regular voice cast of the sitcom
The majority of the series' regular characters will appear in the upcoming episode. Dan Castellaneta voices Homer Simpson, Julie Kavner voices Marge Simpson, Nancy Cartwright voices Bart Simpson, and Nelson and Yeardley Smith voices Lisa Simpson in the series.
They are joined by Hank Azaria, who voices Moe; Harry Shearer, who voices Skinner; Tress MacNeille, who voices Dolph; and Pamela Hayden, who voices Milhouse. Fred Armisen and Albert Brooks will be back as guest voice actors in this episode.
The Simpsons
As the longest-running sitcom on American television, almost every viewer is aware of the plot of the series. The IMDb synopsis of the show reads:
"The satiric adventures of a working-class family in the misfit city of Springfield."
It premiered on Fox in 1989 and is currently running its thirty-fourth season.
Catch new episodes of the sitcom every Sunday at 8 PM on Fox.