Family or Fiancé aired a dramatic episode on Saturday, August 13, 2022, at 9 pm ET on OWN. In the episode, viewers were introduced to Paul and Donzella, who have been in a relationship for over four years and are now looking to get married within a year. In order to secure their family's approval, the couple turned to love expert Tracy McMillan for help.
Paul's sisters - Demetrius, Rhona and Alexis - didn't have the best relationship with Donzella. They alleged that the couple were romantically linked while being married to their exes. Alexis, in particular, felt that she had been used as a pawn for the couple to meet and spend time with each other during the early stages of their relationship.
Throughout the course of the one-hour episode, Alexis and the other sisters got into constant arguments with Donzella and made it clear that they didn't like her. While all Donzella wanted to do was have a conversation about the impending issues, Alexis walked out of every conversation and the others supported her.
Fans weren't impressed with the sisters' attitude and took to social media to express their opinions. One tweeted:
What transpired between Donzella and Paul's sisters on Family or Fiancé?
At the beginning of the Family or Fiancé episode, Donzella confessed that she wasn’t respected by Paul’s sisters and wasn’t on talking terms with them. When the sisters visited the couple, they all hugged Paul, but Alexis didn't give Donzella the same response. This was just the beginning of their issues.
During the first family meeting, both families addressed issues they had with the couple. While Demetrius and Rhonda wanted to mend their relationship with their brother, Alexis demanded an apology for being unwittingly used by the couple during the initial stages of their romantic entanglement.
Paul's sisters also addressed issues with the couple’s relationship timeline and accused them of being romantically linked while still being married to their exes. The couple then had to undertake the task of explaining their relationship timeline to each other's families, but it was evident that they were lying as Paul and Donzella's individual timelines didn't quite match.
The sisters also had an issue with Donzella posing naked in an oil painting session with Paul while the duo were still married to their exes. This led to an argument between Donzella and Paul's sisters, leading Alexis to walk out of the conversation.
Throughout the course of the Family or Fiancé episode, the sisters weren’t listening to Donzella's side of the story and only wanted to repair their relationship with their brother. During a session with a family counselor, the sisters came to the conclusion that they might never like Donzella but wanted to be close to Paul.
In the session, Paul admitted that it was difficult for him to repair his relationship with his sisters, given that Alexis had sent an offensive text to Donzella. While Alexis initially denied this, when she later checked her messages, she realized that the allegation was, in fact, true.
Although by the end of the Family or Fiancé episode Alexis made amends and gave her blessings to the couple, Demetrius was still skeptical about their relationship and didn't give her blessing. However, the sisters came to the conclusion that they were ready to get to know Donzella and make a fresh start.
Fans react to Paul's sisters behavior towards Donzella on Family or Fiancé
Fans weren't impressed with the sisters' rude behavior towards Donzella and took to social media to express their opinions regarding the issue.
With only six more couples remaining, fans will have to keep watching Season 3 of Family or Fiancé to witness more drama unfold as couples try to navigate their relationships with their to-be spouses and future families.
Tune in to an all-new episode of Family or Fiancé next week on Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9 pm ET on OWN.