The Staircase is a true-crime drama limited series that has Colin Firth and Toni Collette. It was gleaned from Jean-Xavier de Lestrade's highly-acclaimed documentary series, The Staircase in 2004, and is getting quite a lot of appreciation from both critics and the audience itself.
The limited series premiered on Thursday, May 5, on the popular streaming platform HBO Max. Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn are the creators and writers of the series, while Antonio Campos has also served as the developer of the limited series, The Staircase.
Reportedly, the miniseries will have eight episodes in total, of which only the first three episodes have been released so far. However, since the release of the first three episodes of the HBO Max miniseries, it has already begun to gain a lot of positive buzz because of its intriguing direction and absorbing music.
Without further ado, let's take a closer look and find out why it is more than just a simple true-crime drama miniseries.
A major takeaway from The Staircase
The creators of the series have done a phenomenal job
Creators Antonio Campos and Maggie Cohn, who are also co-writers of The Staircase, have done an incredible job in presenting the well-known true-crime story in a unique and gripping manner.
Over the years, true-crime drama has become a fan-favorite. What makes this HBO Max limited series stand tall among the crowd is its way of telling the story.
The creators of the show have taken a slightly different approach to tell the story of the Peterson family. They have not only put the focus on the heart-wrenching death of Kathleen Peterson, but have also shed light upon the aftermath of the incident and how it played out in the eyes of the public.
Keeping the 2004 documentary as a significant part of the series is a refreshing and quite brilliant step on the part of the creators, as it gives unbelievable insights into the life of the Petersons.
Hence, the direction of the miniseries so far has been quite phenomenal.
Absorbing music lifts the series to another level
Music composers Danny Bensi and Saunder Jurriaan have done an enthralling job in creating music for this true-crime drama series. Without a shred of doubt, the music of the miniseries has added positively to the success of the story so far.
The use of intense tones which are quite stimulating and calming at the same time, brings the story to life. The music brings out the authenticity and mindfulness of the storytelling in The Staircase. The music absolutely hit the notes during several intense scenes throughout the first three episodes.
Thus, it is quite evident that music plays a huge part in lifting the story even more. Hence, the music of the limited series is absolutely worthy of appreciation.
It is safe to say that the direction and the music of the series so far makes it much more than just a true-crime drama.
Catch The Staircase, which is currently streaming on HBO Max with the first three episodes, from May 5, 2022. The new episodes are set to arrive next Thursday.