The Staircase is a highly anticipated high-profile, true-crime drama miniseries that debuted on May 5 (Thursday), with three episodes, exclusively on HBO Max. The limited series was gleaned from Jean-Xavier de Lestrade's true-crime docuseries, The Staircase, in 2004.
Maggie Cohn and Antonio Campos serve as the writers and creators of the HBO Max limited series. The miniseries stars Colin Firth as the lead character, Michael Peterson.
Along with Colin Firth, the limited series also features notable actors, entailing Toni Collette, Rosemarie DeWitt, Juliette Binoche, Parker Posey, Sophie Turner, Odessa Young, Patrick Schwarzenegger, and a few others.
Since the release of its first three episodes, it has already begun to receive lots of positive responses from both critics and viewers for its gripping portrayal of an intriguing true-crime case and stellar performances from the lead actors.
Ending of The Staircase Episode 3 explained
The rising questions regarding Michael Peterson
As the true-crime story of Michael Peterson's wife, Kathleen Peterson's, dreadful death progresses, the audience can witness numerous questions regarding Michael's sexuality, his material relationship with Kathleen, and his past life in Germany, all starting to come to light.
The miniseries also shed light upon the documentary made regarding the Peterson family. Michael and his children are seen being questioned and interviewed almost every day. With each passing day, a new suspicion against Michael arises.
The series goes back and forth into the before and aftermath of Kathleen's death. It gives the audience a look into their marital relationship and how they were apparently quite picture-perfect.
However, Episode 3 sees a jaw-dropping fact coming to the forefront that rattles the entire case.
Death of Margaret and Martha's mother, Elizabeth Ratliff
An astonishing fact is seen coming to light in Episode 3 of The Staircase. Apparently, Margaret and Martha Ratliff's mother, Elizabeth Ratliff, died 20 years ago, the same way as Kathleen Peterson.
She was also found dead under a staircase, and the only person around that time was Michael Peterson.
This news shook the whole case and made Martha question this bizarre coincidence. As both Margaret and Martha were very little when their mother passed away in Germany, they did not remember anything about her death.
However, this gave the prosecution party another scope to strengthen their case before the trial began.
Did forensic team for prosecution finally find the murder weapon?
At the end of Episode 3 of the HBO Max miniseries, The Staircase, the audience can witness the forensic team calling the prosecution party to give them the news that they now have a murder weapon.
After many trials and failures, the forensic team has finally been able to find the correct match for the blood splatter pattern at the crime scene. They disclosed to the prosecution party that Michael must have been standing over Kathleen's body when he beat her to death.
With this forensic report coming just before Michael Peterson's trial, the case has become even more suspicious and arresting. Will Michael plead guilty? Only time will tell.
Don't forget to watch the first three episodes of The Staircase, currently streaming on HBO Max, from May 5.