Netflix added The Tailor to its list of foreign-language dramas on May 2, 2023. Originally slated to be a TV series, this drama was reportedly set to be called Süslü Korkuluk (Fancy Scarecrow). After exceeding its production budget, it found its new home on Netflix, which has been actively trying to increase its regional viewership over the past few years.
Unfortunately, however, this is another swing-and-miss for the streaming giant.
Produced by OGM Pictures and directed by Cem Karci, The Tailor premiered with seven episodes, each spanning about 30 to 45 minutes. The dramatic soap-opera-like premise followed Peyami Dokumacı (played by Cagatay Ulusoy), a skilled tailor who returns to his hometown and gets embroiled in mysterious events involving his best friend, Dimitri (Salih Bademci), and his soon-to-be wife Evset (Şifanur Gül).
The Tailor tries hard to build a mystery around the characters and their respective secrets, but barely manages to hit the mark on even one occasion. Still, there could be some takeaways in this muddled-up premise worth looking at.
Disclaimer: Major spoilers ahead
The Tailor fails to strike the balance between drama and melodrama, taking the latter too forward
The Tailor has a rather linear plotline with an ample number of twists. The series begins with Peyami returning home to Istanbul after the death of his grandfather. He is depicted as a prolific tailor who has made a name for himself. Before too long, however, things get soap opera-level complicated.
Peyami's friend, Dimitri, is supposed to get married, but his bride-to-be runs off just before that. In what is a weird coincidence for families who are friends with each other, the runaway bride, Evset, poses as a nanny and takes shelter in the Dokumacı household.
What follows is a lot of drama for normal television. Though it is reported that the story is based on true events, it is hard to comprehend how these events played out in real life. Each episode has one big twist and several small ones. The tone of the series is extremely melodramatic, with over-the-top acting, a music score that is not subtle at all, and a plot that shifts too dynamically.
One of the redeeming factors, however, is how smoothly it always seems to find ground. Though the intricate stories, which are often interlinked with "secrets," seem to not make sense most of the time, the series does link them with conviction in each episode and sequence.
Soon, bigger secrets become the motive of the plot, with a growing love story between Peyami and Evset as the driving factor. While it all seems unbelievable, the story makes it feel real with its conviction and belief in the plot. This is a positive thing from the creators.
Anyhow, as the finale approaches, every stake seems to be too high, and a lot is resolved within a short period. But the finale ultimately does not reveal much about the future of the characters or the resolution. It ends on an open note, leaving viewers to decipher what comes next.
All in all, The Tailor fails to strike a balance between drama and melodrama, taking the latter too forward. It is not a smart watch, but can be an entertaining one, binge-worthy even.
All episodes of The Tailor are now streaming on Netflix.