The Thing About Pam just aired its fourth episode on March 29, 2022, and the show is finally looking on the brighter side after three episodes that just did not seem adequate. Titled She's a Loving Daughter, this episode of the Dateline-inspired true-crime drama seems to have enough substance to pull through the hour, something the previous episodes failed to do.
Starting years after the previous episode, this one has more matter, logic, and skills than we have seen in the show so far. Dealing with Russ', portrayed by Glenn Flesher, retrial and the first pangs of suspicion towards Pamela Hupp, played by Renée Zellweger.
Read on for a detailed review of the latest episode of The Thing About Pam.
The Thing About Pam episode 4 review: Zwelleger finally gets more material to work with
Starting three years after the conviction of Russ Faria for the murder of his wife, he finally gets a retiral after years of attempts by his attorney Joel Schwartz, played by Josh Duhamel. This kickstarts an exciting premise into the present-day courtroom scenario, which is of great intrigue.
Before that, the episode depicts Pam's troubled relationship with her mother. It slowly helps in establishing some aspects of Pam's present-day self, something that the show failed to do before this episode. Pam's relationship with her mother and the enthusiastic Dateline producer who chases her makes some room for the excellent actress to finally showcase some of her range.
The script is also a great one that keeps up a good pace throughout the runtime. With new evidence coming up in the case, it is good to see people around Pam finally suspecting her. This makes more sense in this scenario. It is also good to see Leah Askey, played by Judy Greer, soften to the idea of Russ's innocence, though she does not seem entirely convinced.
The Thing About Pam also has a great ending in this episode, which has a surprising twist. Though not confirmed, Leah's assistant is indicated as the person who helped with the evidence that is about to take Pam down. Russ is finally proven to be innocent and now the case looks ready for a new turn.
Technical aspects of the true-crime show
This episode improves in all aspects in comparison to the previous ones. The script is a lot better with many new elements and better pacing. The camera and sound are just as good as the previous ones, but other aspects are much better.
Zellweger has more material to work with and showcases her range. This brings out the best in her. Hopefully, she can continue to build on this momentum in the upcoming two episodes. Other actors, like Duhamel, also stood out in this episode.
The next episode of The Thing About Pam will be released on April 5, 2022.