The Thing About Pam aired its final episode on April 12, 2022, ending the story of the notorious killer and master manipulator Pamela Hupp (Renée Zellweger).
The true-crime drama, which was inspired by Dateline episodes of the same case, ended with Pam getting caught in her own web of lies and reckless mistakes.
Titled She's a Killer, Episode 6 is the finale of The Thing About Pam. It covers Pam's attempt to escape the accusations in Betsy Faria's (Katy Mixon) murder case, which hung over her head constantly. Only this time, she could not cover her tracks well and ended up getting convicted for the crime.
If you missed the final episode of the NBC series, read on for a recap of the The Thing About Pam finale.
The Thing About Pam finale recap: Pushing too far?
The final episode of The Thing About Pam begins with a flash-forward depicting a rather brutal self-harming scene where Pam stabs herself with a pen in a washroom.
It all goes back to a morning at Pam's house a few days earlier, when she spoke to her husband about how everyone still suspected her of Betsy's murder.
Pam goes to her bedside drawer and takes out her gun and some money before driving off. She then starts her diabolical plan of framing Russ Faria (Glenn Flesher).
Pam approaches a stranger and offers her money to play a role, claiming to be a Dateline producer recreating a murder scene.
The woman reluctantly gets in the car with her. However, upon sensing that something is wrong, she changes her mind and asks Pam to drop her home.
While doing so, Pam spots a man alone on the road and tries the same gig with him. The man does not understand much and gets in the car with her.
The final crime and the repercussions
The man is revealed to be Louis Gumpenberger, who has a mental and physical disability. Pam attempts to stage a scenario that would allow her to prove that Gumpenberger was working with Russ. She would claim that he came to her place to murder her and take the money from Betsy's insurance.
Pam takes Gumpenberger to her house and calls 911, claiming that she has an intruder. She instructs him to say a specific sentence that would link him to Russ, but he messes this up. As a result, Pam ends up shooting him five times.
Pam reports that the man had threatened her at knifepoint, and she had shot him in self-defense. She later leaves a note indicating he was linked to Russ.
Soon, the police become involved, and Pam rests her case, claiming Gumpenberger was an intruder.
Justice is served
Upon further investigation, the police find several clues leading back to Pam, including her cellphone location. They discover that she was waiting outside Gumpenberger's home for a considerable amount of time before the murder. Currency notes in Gumpenberger's pocket also have matching serial numbers with Pam's.
When she realizes she is trapped, Pam tries to stab herself with a pen in the police station washroom (the first scene), but the police get there in time to save her.
Pam is later sentenced by a judge to life in prison, thereby ending her spree. However, she still doesn't admit to the crime and takes an Alford guilty plea instead.
The final moments of the episode showcased the current situation of all the characters, including Joel Schwartz (Josh Duhamel), Leah Askey (Judy Greer), and Russ Faria.
The series finale of The Thing About Pam is now streaming on Peacock.