The NBC singing competition series The Voice follows a unique pattern of hunting talent through blind auditions. This week, season 25 concluded the auditions sending the selected candidates to the battle round after splitting them in pairs.
Coaches Reba McEntire, John Legend, Chance the Rapper, and the new duo joining th judges panel Dan + Shay have chosen their favorite performances and rehearsed their teams to perform on the stage. Episode 8 reveals which artists will be going to the next knockoff round.
The Voice season 25 episode 8 titled The Battles Part 2 aired on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, exclusively on NBC. The episode synopsis reads as follows:
"The battle rounds continue as Chance the Rapper, Dan + Shay, John Legend and Reba McEntire prepare their artists in hopes of advancing to the knockouts; each coach has one steal and one playoff pass, which sends an artist straight to the playoffs."
What happened on The Voice season 25 episode 8?
Following a similar format to the previous The Voice seasons, this season has the battle round. In this segment, each coach chooses two contestants from their team to sing a duet together to decide who sang it best.
The losing artist will either be sent home or saved by another coach who wants them in their team. The Voice judges also have the option to send both competitors one step closer to the live shows without participating in th knockoff round. Through the "playoff pass" coaches can send the best performance straight to the playoffs, but only once.
Episode 8 started with the new The Voice coaches Dan + Shay, helping their team members Justin and Jeremy Garcia, and Frank Garcia prepare for their upcoming performance in the battle round. After they sang A Million Reasons on the stage, John Legend, Chance The Rapper and Reba McEntire were highly impressed with the brothers more specifically Frank's talent.
Dan thought Justin and Jeremy got a little distracted during the performance however Frank brought a whole package of uniqueness to the stage. As Frank was chosen the winner, Reba decided to steal Justin and Jeremy by saving them from elimination and including them in her team.
The next participants on The Voice included William Alexander and Zeya Raye from Reba's team. They performed a cover of Just Give Me a Reason, showcasing their talent on stage. In the end, however, Reba decided to choose Zeya due to the "warmth and maturity" in her voice. Chance told William if he had an option to steal him, he would've but had unfortunately run out of that choice.
When it came to team Chance, Maddi Jane and Nadège sang Can’t Take My Eyes Off You. Before their performance, Chance advised them to focus on each other and not get distracted by the audience.
After their song ended, Dan expressed he didn't want both of them to be eliminated, John on the other hand believed they would go far in this show. Chance decided to choose Maddi as the winner and used his playoff pass to send Nadège straight to the playoffs.
The upcoming episode 9 is set to release on March 25, 2024. Stream The Voice season 25 on NBC every Monday and Tuesday at 8/7c. All episodes will be available to watch on Peacock.