The first episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City premiered on AMC on Sunday, June 18, 2023. The episode titled Old Acquaintances hit AMC+ and AMC at 9/8c. The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2 will also air at the same time as the debut episode. It has been titled Who's There? and it will release at 9/8c on June 25, 2023.
As per Bamsmackpow, those who have subscribed to AMC+ will be able to watch the second episode before those waiting for the AMC outing. Episode 2 will be available to stream on AMC+ from Thursday, June 22.
The episode has been written by Eli Jorné, who served as the writer for the parent show, The Walking Dead, and is the creator, showrunner, and co-executive producer of Dead City.
The Walking Dead: Dead City is being led by Lauren Cohan as Maggie Greene, Glenn's (portrayed by Steven Yeun in The Walking Dead) widow and the Hilltop's ex-leader, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Negan, a reformed ex-leader of the Saviors.
Will Maggie and Negan become friends in The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2?
A recap of The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 1
The first episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City laid the ground for the new spin-off by showcasing how the post-apocalyptic world looked against the background of a ruined Manhattan. It revolved around Maggie and Negan's search for her son Hershel, who was kidnapped by a vile force called The Croat.
The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 1 introduced Perlie Armstrong, (played by Gaius Charles) a New Babylon marshal tasked to hunt down Negan, who was shown to be fearful of Armstrong. It also featured Ginny, a mute girl who is being taken care of by Negan after her father's death. The character is portrayed by Mahina Napoleon.
“The Croat,” (played by Željko Ivanek) the ruthless antagonist was also featured in the premiere of the show. He is a former member of the Saviors, (which probably explains Negan's involvement) who abducted Hershel Rhee, thus inviting Maggie's wrath.
Maggie and Negan tried everything in their capacity to save Hershel from The Croat in episode 1.
What to expect in episode 2 titled Who's There?
Who's There? will see the duo carry out a raid in New York City while encountering several mysterious beings and things. As per Rotten Tomatoes, the synopsis reads:
“Maggie and Negan encounter native New Yorkers; Armstrong revisits a trauma; Ginny attempts to adapt to change.”
In the first episode, there was a lot of tension between Maggie and Negan, given that the latter killed Maggie's husband. However, she was quick to notice his affection and love for Ginny, which made her realize her failure as a mother and wife.
This was also the reason why she took on the mission to rescue Hershel (who shares the name with her father) from The Croat. In Who's There? fans may see the dynamics between Maggie and Negan change into something beyond hate and resentment.
The Walking Dead: Dead City, which began rolling on July 19 last year, comprises six episodes in season 1.
The release dates of the episodes are:
- Episode 3 - People Are a Resource - July 2
- Episode 4 - Everybody Wins a Prize - July 9
- Episode 5 - Stories We Tell Ourselves - July 16
- Episode 6 - Doma Smo - July 23
The Walking Dead: Dead City episode 2 will hit AMC and AMC+ at 9/8c on June 25, 2023.