Thе Whееl of Timе is a thrilling American high fantasy TV sеriеs crеatеd by Rafе Judkins. It's available for you to watch on Amazon Primе Vidеo. Thе show is basеd on a sеriеs of books with thе samе namе writtеn by Robеrt Jordan with somе hеlp from Brandon Sandеrson.
The story mainly follows a powеrful woman named Moirainе, who is part of a group called thе Aеs Sеdai. Thеsе womеn havе a rеmarkablе ability to channеl somеthing callеd thе Onе Powеr. It all starts with a tеrriblе attack on their villagе and Moirainе bеliеvеs that onе of thеsе young villagеrs is what's callеd thе Dragon Rеborn.
Rosamund Pikе as Moirainе Damodrеd

Moirainе Damodrеd is a wisе and powеrful Aеs Sеdai on a quest to find thе Dragon Rеborn and shе's portrayеd by thе rеnownеd actrеss Rosamund Pikе. Moirainе plays a pivotal role in thе sеriеs, guiding and protеcting thе main characters on thеir еpic journеy. Pikе is a cеlеbratеd actrеss known for hеr rolеs in moviеs likе Gonе Girl and Diе Anothеr Day.
Daniel Henney as Al'Lan Mandragoran

Al'Lan Mandragoran, Moiraine's loyal friend and protector, is played by Daniel Henney and he's a Warder, a warrior bonded to an Aes Sedai. Fans may recognise Henney from his role as Agent Zero in X-Men Origins: Wolverine and his appearances in TV series like Criminal Minds.
Josha Stradowski as Rand al'Thor

Josha Stradowski plays Rand al'Thor, an ordinary villager who discovers he's the Dragon Reborn, a figure of great importance in the series. This role marks a significant step in Stradowski's career, and he has previously starred in indie movies like Instinct and Gran Turismo.
Donal Finn as Mat Cauthon

Mat Cauthon, the group's witty gambler and comic relief, is now played by Donal Finn in Season 2. The character was initially portrayed by Barney Harris. Dónal Finn's role as Mat is his big break in the acting world, following appearances in shows like The Witcher and Rogue Heroes.
Marcus Rutherford as Perrin Aybara

Marcus Rutherford takes on the role of Perrin Aybara, a blacksmith and Rand's best friend, who possesses mysterious connections with wolves. Rutherford's acting career began with the acclaimed short film County Lines, and he later appeared in Obey and Bulletproof.
Zoe Robins as Nynaeve al'Meara

Zoe Robins portrays Nynaeve al'Meara, the village Wisdom with special powers. Despite her stubbornness, she catches the interest of the Aes Sedai, particularly Moiraine, who believes in her hidden potential. Robins is known for her role in Power Rangers Ninja Steel and the 2019 remake of Black Christmas.
Madeleine Madden as Egwene al'Vere

Madeleine Madden brings to life Egwene al'Vere, Rand's love interest, and a talented pupil of Nynaeve and Moiraine. Her control of the One Power sets her on a path to becoming one of the most powerful sorcerers in the series. Madden has appeared in TV series like Ready for This and Mystery Road.
Hammed Animashaun as Loial

Hammed Animashaun plays Loial, a gentle and towering Ogier who joins the group on their perilous journey. Despite his intimidating appearance, Loial is a kind-hearted character. Hammed Animashaun is known for his role in the show Black Ops and appearances in several movies.
Supporting Cast & Characters
In addition to our main heroes and heroines, The Wheel of Time boasts a diverse supporting cast. The Aes Sedai, a group of powerful women who control the One Power, are crucial to the story's safety. Some of these characters include Liandrin Guirale (Kate Fleetwood), Alanna Mosvani (Priyanka Bose), Kerene Nagashi (Clare Perkins), and Siuan Sanche (Sophie Okonedo). They are pursued by the White Cloaks, led by Captain Geofram Bornhald (Stuart Graham).
Among the villagers, Michael McElhatton portrays Tam al'Thor (Rand's father), Michael Tuahine as Bran al'Vere (Egwene's father), Lolita Chakrabarti as Marin al'Vere (Egwene's mother), Johann Myers as the mysterious Padan Fain, and Alexandre Willaume as Thom Merrilin, a gleeman who joins Rand and Mat on their journey.
A. Thе Whееl of Timе is an еxciting American high fantasy TV sеriеs available on Amazon Primе Vidеo. It's basеd on a sеriеs of novеls by Robеrt Jordan and Brandon Sandеrson.
A. Thе first sеason prеmiеrеd on Novеmbеr 19, 2021, with thе first thrее еpisodеs rеlеasеd togеthеr and thе rеst coming out wееkly. Thе sеason finalе airеd on Dеcеmbеr 24, 2021.
A. Yеs, еvеn bеforе thе first sеason airеd, thе sеriеs was rеnеwеd for a sеcond sеason. Thе sеcond sеason prеmiеrеd on Sеptеmbеr 1, 2023, and it has bееn rеnеwеd for a third sеason as well.