Amber Heard fans donated $1,696 via GoFundMe to NCADV, which is the National Coalition against Domestic Violence. The goal for this fundraiser is $2,000, out of which, $1,696 has been collected. Created by Kylie Putnam in honor of Amber Heard, Putnam wrote in a fundraiser message how Amber has been declared a liar by the world.
Putnam, in her message, said:
“For years, Amber Heard has been subjected to a swarm of relentless harassment and vitriol for coming forward about her personal experience with domestic violence, and the media frenzy surrounding the Depp vs. Heard trial has only made the situation more dire. The world has decided she’s a liar, citing viral misinformation and fabrications spread via social media as proof.”
Kylie Putnam organises fundraiser for Amber Heard

Kylie Putnam created the fundraiser for two main purposes. One was to show her and the fans' support for the Aquaman actress, and the other was to raise some money, as Amber was ordered to pay a large sum as compensatory and punitive damages to her ex-husband Johnny Depp, who won the much-talked about defamation trial.
The fundraiser description reads:
“Help show Amber Heard that she has people who support her by donating to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in her honor.”
The creator also added how she started the fundraiser for her to remind Amber that people are there with her. Through this fundraiser, she not only wants to remind Amber Heard but all the survivors that there is help. The fundraiser has received over 60 donations as of now, and is close to reaching its goal of $2,000.
Twitter reacts to the GoFundMe fundraiser
Besides raising money, Putnam is also active on social media, persuading people to donate as much as possible, and at the same time, share updates. She posted on Twitter:
“You guys!! We have now officially raised $931 to donate to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence in Amber’s honour!! That is AWESOME!! Let’s see if we can get to $1000 by the end of the weekend.”
With the hashtags, #IBelieveAmberHeard #IStandWithAmberHeard, the post has multiple comments in favour of the actress. One user commented:
“Time to stand up again! We have become complacent. I will continue to vocalise my unwavering support for AH...and woe betide anyone who harms yet another sister!”
At the same time, others criticized the idea of the fundraiser and Amber. One user commented:
“What was the reason she decided to write the op-ed? Will she be explaining that? To not have to donate the 7 Mil? She really made her own bed. Now you want other women to help her make it. Disgusting. She had every opportunity to do some good in this world. But she blew it.”
This is not the first time a fundraiser has been set up to support Heard. Earlier, GoFundMe shut down a fundraiser for Heard despite a good amount of money being raised.
The current fundraiser is set up to donate to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), which has a vision to raise voice against conditions that can lead to Domestic Violence. NCADV works on conditions like patriarchy, privilege, racism, sexism, and classism.