Netflix's bombshell new documentary, Our Father, which premiered on May 11, 2022, reveals chilling details about a once renowned fertility doctor, Donald Cline, from Indianapolis. He allegedly inseminated a number of women with his sperm and ended up fathering more than 50 children. The documentary is told from the perspective of Cline's now-grown biological children, who discovered the truth through a DNA test.
Unsurprisingly, the documentary has been the subject of a heated discussion on social media, with many fans expressing their disgust and anger at the shocking revelations on Twitter.
Our Father revelations triggered a wave of emotions on Twitter
Fans were shocked by Lucie Jourdan's bone-chilling documentary. Many expressed outrage over the doctor's violation of patients' consent, while some pointed out the justice system's failure.
Donald Cline's fertility fraud explained
Cline was a highly reputed fertility doctor in the '70s who used his sperm to inseminate a number of women without their consent. For more than two decades, many around Indiana experienced trouble conceiving. They consulted Cline.
He told expectant parents that a donor's sperm was used. In some cases, the male partner's sperm was supposed to be used. Cline asked his patients not to disclose how their children were conceived.
Several years later, the truth was brought to light by Jacoba Ballard, who was looking her biological parents. After taking a 23andMe test, she discovered having nearly 90 half-siblings. Donald Cline was the biological father.
Post the DNA test, Ballard befriended many of her siblings who said that Donald Cline treated their parents. Although Ballard had initially approached the authorities with this chilling discovery, no formal action was taken.
She later teamed up with her half-siblings to file a complaint against Cline that led to a criminal inquiry. But no specific criminal charges were filed because, at the time, there were no state or federal laws that could criminalize fertility fraud.
Years later, in 2018, he was convicted of two felonies — obstruction of justice and lying to the investigators about using his sperm. The same year, Cline lost his medical license. The Medical Licensing Board of Indiana also voted to prevent him from ever applying to regain his license.
Cline was also handed a one-year suspended sentence for the aforementioned felony counts. He received no jail time for malpractice.
Stream Our Father on Netflix.