A new engrossing French crime thriller, titled Thicker Than Water, is set to drop on Netflix this Friday, April 7, 2023, at 3 am ET. The upcoming drama is directed, written, and produced by Belgian-Algerian actor and comedian Nawell Madani in association with Simon Jablonka, Djebril Zonga, and Netflix France.
The series will follow a journalist who accidentally involves her family in the ruthless plan of a drug lord while trying to protect her brother from the cops, causing her life to spiral out of control.
As per Netflix's official synopsis:
"A journalist’s life devolves into chaos when she shields her brother from the law, inadvertently entangling her family in a drug lord’s merciless scheme."
The eight-episode crime-thriller drama's cast also features Vincent Rottiers, Paola Locatelli, Djebril Zonga, Kahina Carina, and Carima Amarouche.
Thicker Than Water revolves around a journalist who accidentally involves her family in the ruthless plan of a drug lord
The gripping crime series Thicker Than Water led by Belgian comedian Nawell Madani, along with Djebril Zonga and Paola Locatelli, emphasizes the significance of sisterhood and family, as it can be characterized by its catchy title, which is a play on the proverb "blood is thicker than water."
Thicker Than Water follows a journalist on the verge of making a breakthrough in her profession. The authorities, who are searching for her shady brother involved in some illicit drug business, pay her a visit one day.
Although she is initially hesitant, the up-and-coming journalist agrees to assist the brother before he gets himself into some serious trouble with the law.
But things go awry real quick as the journalist gets trapped in the dangerous world of drugs and crime and she must cope with the consequences of the complicated situation, including confrontations with drug lords, while she works to rescue herself and her brother from this predicament.
Additionally, the journalist makes an effort to conceal her role in the case before it ultimately ruins her career. But the riskier it becomes, the more entwined she gets.
The journalist needs to uncover the truth quickly since time is of utmost importance. She feels the effects of her choices both emotionally and professionally.
Her involvement in the criminal world not only affects her profession but also strains her family connections since she is forced to make tough decisions while attempting to protect people who are most important to her.
Cast list of Netflix's upcoming French crime-thriller Thicker Than Water
The entire cast of the show has been officially confirmed, although their respective characters and roles remain uncertain:
- Walid Afkir (Paris, je t’aime)
- Kahina Carina (Outcast)
- Mayane Sarah El Baze
- Aida Ghechoud (Les palmiers blessés)
- Paul Hamy (The Ornithologist)
- Karimouche (The Worst Ones)
- Radouan Leflahi (Roméo et Juliette)
- Paola Locatelli (Dangerous Liaisons)
- Nawell Madani (C’est tout pour moi)
- Vincent Rottiers (Renoir)
- Djebril Zonga (Les Misérables)
Paola Locatelli, who played Célène in the 2022 romantic drama Dangerous Liaisons, is the only actor in the series who has previously appeared in a Netflix Original.
Thicker Than Water premieres on Netflix this Friday.