The Real Love Boat premiered tonight on CBS. The 1970's series-based dating show featured some single men and women boarding a ship to find love by performing tasks and going on unique dates. The ship's crew members were also seen trying to connect with the members to help them find their perfect match.
However, viewers seemed unimpressed with the show's background music as well as its introduction.
One contestant, Alisa, was asked to pick a man who was the match of the day and she chose Michael as her first option, despite him confessing that he was a narcissist.
Two men were eliminated from the show within the first 24 hours without any challenging or adventurous activity. The hosts of the show were very enthusiastic and even hosted the elimination in old-school bingo style.
The Real Love Boat viewers, however, felt that the show was boring, labeling it as a poor rip-off of the show Love Island.
The Real Love Boat viewers took to Twitter to slam CBS for making such a poor show. They did not like the hosts or the format of the show.
What happened on The Real Love Boat tonight?
Tonight on The Real Love Boat series premiere, hosts Jerry and Rebecca explained to viewers that five men and women will board the Regal Princess boat to find true love.
The ship's crew members will help the contestants fall in love with each other. Captain Paolo revealed that he had been working on a cruise for 25 years and that he had helped at least 100 people find love.
The hosts said that the singles would perform tasks at each port and new singles would be added at each stoppage. The eliminated members would be left on shore as the ship sailed off with the remaining singles. The final couple would receive $50,000 as the prize money and two tickets to a luxury cruise.
The episode description reads:
"Five single women and five single men who are prepared to discover love and embark on the journey of a lifetime aboard the Regal Princess Cruise Ship are welcomed by hosts Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell as the ship sets sail."
After the singles boarded the boat, they were asked to meet each other before showing off their talents at the retreat pool. Brett sang a country song while Michael recited a poem, which was a nursery rhyme.
Brooke, who had confessed to being competitive, made dolphin noises and Rebecca showed off her basketball skills. Jordan did a strip dance. Alisa did pilates and won the round. She was asked to pick her match of the day to have dinner at the captain's table after the cocktail party.
The hosts then introduced two new men, Nathan and Forrest, to the cast. She ultimately chose Michael as her dinner partner, where they talked about their fears and goals. The captain joined them at the table and felt that they were a good match.
The next morning, the cast members spent some time bonding with each other. Nicole was interested in Daniel but she had doubts that Shea-Lynn Noyes was interested in him. She chose newcomer Jordan in the end.
Michael and Forrest were eliminated from the show.
The Real Love Boat will air on CBS every Wednesday at 9 pm ET.