Three Songs for Benazir, the critically acclaimed 22-minute short documentary, is all set to be released this January 2022 on the globally popular streaming service Netflix. Set in modern-day Afghanistan, this enlightening and moving documentary has been directed by the incredible directing-duo Gulistan Mirzaei and Elizabeth Mirzaei.
The documentary qualified for Academy Award consideration and won the Jury Award for best short documentary at the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival.
'Three Songs for Benazir': Plot and release date
Without further ado, let's take a closer look at the storyline of the short documentary and find out when it will be released on the streaming service.
The plot of the short documentary
This heart-warming short documentary sheds light upon the modern-day life of refugees in Afghanistan by telling the compelling story of a young man named Shaista who lives in a displaced persons camp in Kabul. Newly married to Benazir, the young man faces conflicts to harmonize his deep desire to be the first member of his tribe to join the Afghan National Army and his responsibility to start a family.
The two directors of the short documentary, who are a married couple, took a four-year time period to complete the filming. In a recent joint statement, they stated that:
“We are honored to partner with Netflix to bring ‘Three Songs for Benazir’ to a global audience.”
When will the short documentary be released?
According to the recent news, the highly acclaimed short documentary will be streaming on Netflix from January 24, 2022.
While sharing her thrill and joy at adding this special documentary to the Netflix Original Documentary Shorts list, Netflix original documentary manager Chloe Gbai told Variety:
“It’s a poignant love story from Afghanistan that will tug at viewer’s heartstrings.”
Where can the short documentary be watched?
The short documentary can be watched on the highly popular streaming service Netflix from January 24, 2022. The trailer for the documentary is currently available on the streaming site. A subscription to the streaming service is needed to watch the award-winning inspirational short documentary.
Don't forget to watch the moving tale of Shaista: Three Songs for Benazir as it will be arriving on Netflix on January 24, 2022.