Tin & Tina, an intriguing Spanish film released on May 26, 2023, unravels a story that oscillates between desperation, faith, and the chilling repercussions of their intersection. At the core of this bone-tingling narrative are Lola and Adolfo, a couple yearning for the joys of parenthood, and the twins they adopt Tin and Tina, whose fervent religious beliefs birth terrifying outcomes.
The official synopsis for Tin & Tina, as per IMDb, reads:
"After a tragic abort, Lola and her husband Adolfo adopt Tin and Tina, two lovely brother and sister with an ultra-catholic education that makes them interpret Holy Bible verbatim."
Things take a turn for the spooky after the adoption, as the couple acknowledges the twins' excessive fondness for religion is a call to wreak havoc on the family, driving them into the midst of miseries and tribulations.
Tin & Tina: A mind-boggling tale of adoption coupled with religious fervency
A path of dread confronts the duo
The Spanish thriller horror film revolves around a couple who decide to adopt twins from a nearby convent after going through a tragic miscarriage. Their desperate need for adoption leads them into unforeseen and unwanted situations that endanger their lives, all because of the twins' intense devotion, which transcends rational understanding.
Things take a turn for the worse when Tin and Tina embark on their deadly game and drive the family insane. The film could have done a better job showing the couple's struggles and emotional connection with the children.
For instance, when first bringing the twins home, the narrative quickly shifts to the twins' eccentric behaviors, missing out on exploring the couple's initial joys, hopes, and fears. Similarly, the film underplays the couple's emotional distress amidst the twins' dangerous games. The film's focus sidesteps Lola's pregnancy and the stress from the twins' drawings, limiting its depth.
Unorthodox religious practices cast a dark fear but disrupt the plot
A different tangent is explored as the eccentricities of twins and the wrong interpretation of religion grows resulting in causing havoc in the family caused by dreadful games. The movie showcases an important part of depicting the conviction of nearing death to see God in several situations that include putting others' life at stake.
These actions cast a shadow of terror over the family. Yet, the excessive focus on these elements overshadows other aspects of the narrative, leading to an imbalance in the plot that could have been smoother with a more nuanced portrayal of religion.
Character development concealed due to twins' actions
In Tin & Tina, Milena Smit's role as Lola did justice to her titular character in the movie. Whether it is joining the thread of connection with the kids or guarding her newborn baby, she excelled at the task of providing an authentic experience of the film and the protagonist. A narrative-rich plot could have opened the gates for better character display.
The performances of other actors, such as Adolfo, portrayed by Jaime Lorente, were a good example of keeping the movie together throughout. However, his character's journey gets lost amidst the chaos churned out by the twins' actions.
Tin & Tina, played by Carlos González Morollón and Anastasia Russo, were the heart of the film, whether it was igniting a dark dreadful game in the family or showcasing a blind interpretation of faith, the film had every bit of chills it needed but the characters' actions sealed the adult characters' development, failing which they contribute to narrative disorientation.
Viewers can watch Tin & Tina, which is exclusively streaming on Netflix.