Jeopardy! is all set to air a new episode on December 2, 2022. The game show has caught up significant pace after returning from the Tournament of Champions, which took up the majority of the previous month. In the midst of this new season's glory is Cris Pannullo, who has successfully managed to stay in the game for 19 days, making him one of the best players of in the history of the show.
In the upcoming episode, Cris Pannullo, a customer success operations manager from Ocean City, New Jersey, will face off against Josh Gregor, a Grand Rapids, Michigan teacher, and Ilana Freedman, an occupational therapist therapy assistant from New Orleans, Louisiana. Cris has already accumulated $666,744 so far and looks to extend this lead in the upcoming episodes.
Jeopardy! is the most popular game show on American television. It started out in the 1960s and has rapidly gained popularity with its engaging nature and offbeat format. The game show is usually played between three players and is extensively general knowledge-based. Its final round also adds a much-needed zeal to the game show.
In the final round, participants face a series of offbeat challenges. But more importantly, it also allows viewers to participate from the comfort of their homes.
Viewers can do this by guessing the correct answer ahead of the episode's air time. Over the years, this has become a cult practice for the fans of the show. However, doing this every day can be quite a cumbersome process. Below, we have compiled the question, answer, and other relevant details for the same.
December 2, 2022, Friday: Today's Final Jeopardy! question
The final question for the upcoming round of the show reads:
"Among its nicknames are the “City of Classical Music” &, possibly in honor of a famous resident from 1860 to 1938, the “City of Dreams”"
This question is from the category "World Capitals." This category is a rather common category. Geography is a very common topic and is generally a trivia favorite. It would be interesting to see how the players fare up in this one.
Jeopardy! final solution - Friday, December 2, 2022
The clue and solution for the upcoming round are as follows.
Clue: Among its nicknames are the “City of Classical Music” &, possibly in honor of a famous resident from 1860 to 1938, the “City of Dreams”
Solution: Vienna, Austria.
Vienna is Austria's capital. Some great music artists of all time like Schubert, Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven spent a significant part of their lives in this place. Joseph Koerner made a documentary based on the city, titled The City of Dreams.
Jeopardy! contestants today - Friday, December 2, 2022
The three contestants for the upcoming round are Cris Pannullo, a customer success operations manager from Ocean City, New Jersey, Josh Gregor, a teacher from Grand Rapids, Michigan, and Ilana Freedman, an occupational therapy assistant from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Cris Pannullo has so far dominated completely and looks to do the same in the upcoming rounds. Catch him in action on the upcoming round of the show.