The popular game show Jeopardy! has been entertaining fans around the world since the 1960s. Typically played among three contestants, the game is entirely based on knowledge and trivia. Highly engaging with a twist, the game show is currently in its 38th season.
It just so happens that Season 38 of the show has become a fan favorite because of legendary contestants like Matt Amodio and Amy Schneider, who created some of the highest streaks in the game. Presently, Mattea Roach, a Toronto-based teacher, is in the midst of making history with a 16-day streak as of April 26, 2022.
The final question of the show is a big deal as it allows fans to participate from the comfort of their living rooms. Moreover, the final question is important for contestants as well who can choose to either surrender without playing or take on the challenge and risk their winnings. It has become the cause of downfall for many great players, including Amy Schneider.
The contestants are provided with the answers beforehand and they have to figure out the question. The audience also likes to guess the correct answer before the episode airs. If you are looking for the answer to the final question of Jeopardy! on April 27, we are here to help.
Clue and solution to the April 27 Final Jeopardy!
The final round gives the participants a choice. They can either play the round and risk it all or play it safe and go back with the rewards they have accumulated over the rest of the episode. On April 27, 16-day champion Mattea Roach will play against R&D engineer, Ben Hsia and elementary music teacher, Christina Clark. So far, no one has been able to dethrone Roach.
The category for April 27, 2022, is "Poets." Spanning different time periods and genres, the category leaves the field wide open.
Clue: In 1939, he was buried near his last residence in France, but his body arrived in Galway en route to final burial on Sept. 17, 1948.
Solution: W.B. Yeats.
One of the most renowned poets in the world, W.B. Yeats suffered numerous health problems which finally resulted in in his death in 1939 while he was residing in Menton, France. According to his wish, he was buried in France first but later moved to St Columba's Church in Drumcliff, County Sligo.
His exact words were,
"If I die, bury me up there [at Roquebrune], and then in a year's time when the newspapers have forgotten me, dig me up and plant me in Sligo."
More about W.B. Yeats
William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet, playwright, and writer who was among the foremost figures in literature in the 20th century. He started with slow-versed lyrical poems and went on to a more physical and politicized version of poetry in his later life.
Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.
Make sure you tune into your local stations for another intriguing night of Jeopardy!.